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Date Posted: 08:18:02 10/24/02 Thu
Author: Obsidian
Subject: ->JUDGEMENT DAY<-

-do you guys have any idea how worn out i am? i sit here on my tired little rump, staring into nothingness, hearing all your calls and whines, your complaints and your worries, and i could just die. i could throw myself over that cliff - you know the one? that steep, jagged thing? - and end it all. i could, i really could. but you know, i like my life. i like who i am. it's this place i'm not happy with. damnit, why do you always have to talk to me? there are ohers here. talk to them. i can't be here, every minute of every day, obeying your beck and call. i can't always organize raids or breed or play or sit beside you so you don't feel ignored. i'm just so... tired.

.whatever is compelling me to do a judgement, i do not know. most of you deserve nothing less than the firey pits of hell. and yet, there are some of you that try, over and over, to keep active and t keep things moving. in you it rust, in you i will place faith that this pack will not die. today is judgement day. here me out, and do not talk back. my words are final. if you have questions, feel free to ask, but complaints and whining will not be tolerated, we are wolves, not babies, so start acting like you should.

.now then.

-already accepted-

Witch Eyes, Pyralis, Silent Zephyr, Tetsu A'saii, Ku'reshtan, Cerulean Dawn, Palla, Racoda - you are all on temporary leave, are you not? acceptable, but do hurry home. i miss you all, and the livliness and intrigue you bring to the pack.

Slowly Drowning - slightly inactive, but i cannot blame you. who the hell are you supposed to talk with? still, you set a fantastic example, and so i will give you the extreme honour of trainer.

Ebony - where have you gone? you used to be so active, my friend, but now you seem to have vanished. still, i will put you one of the flames, because i trust your speedy return from lalaland.

Wind Dancer - ah, wind dancer. i like you and trust you to utmost degree. please be a spy, for now. i will send you on a mission shortly.

/Temptation/ - there is no doubt in my mind that you should become a hunter. you;re strong and clever, and you will do well.

|*|Tiger Eye|*| - where have you gone? because of your recent bout of inactiveness, i will have to put you as one of the flames and no higher, but only for the time being, i'm sure. come back! and perhaps i can raise you to spy or better.

-still unaccepted-

Fire on Ice - i do not know you, you are never around. i am not in the mood for thousands of chances. be gone. exile.

.Chesapeake. - who are you again? i dunno because i rarely see you. still, i think you are worthy enough to become accepted

Strider - strider, i like you. i have faith in you. it is quite rare for an unaccepted being to become instantly ranked, but please, accept my offer of hunter.

Horizontal Axis - where are you? as of now, i cannot accept you, because i never see you.

Twilight - inactive, inactive, so inactive. remain unaccepted, for now, please.

Crystal Blue - well, you're certainly active, but you many complaints and whines make me think poorly of you. for now, remain unaccepted.

Phire - another whiner. phire, you're relatively inactive, but your posts are short and full of complaints. unaccepted, for now.

Lurking Darkness - active, good. easily accepted, my friend, you will go far.

Faded Mystery - activity is good. you're clever, socail. accepted. continue as you are and prepare for promotionsnext judgement!

Dark Fire - i like you, and like faded mystery your activity is good. i would actually like to put you as one of the flames. live up to this honour.

Unkanny - i am truly fascinated by you, but your inactivty sends chills of worry down my spine. you are accepted, but do be a little more active.


Shadow Spinner, Faylem - both inactive, or on leave. hurry home, my faithful betas, your presence is necessary.

Tranquility - my love, if i could bestow higher honours on you, i would give them. but i cannot, so remain queen and rule by my side for now and always.

.and that is all.

[ooc] will update the board asap...

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