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Date Posted: 19:11:45 10/24/02 Thu
Author: |*|Tiger Eye|*|
Subject: |It is an honor|
In reply to: Obsidian 's message, "->JUDGEMENT DAY<-" on 08:18:02 10/24/02 Thu

.:.Smoky vix strides forth confidental, miniscule dip of culmination indicating respect for those higher than she in rank.:.Toned muscles ripple as each pad strikes tundra firmly, sprain having healed and given she back full movement and agility.:.Flutes swivel atop tiara, absorbing soundwaves and transmitting information to super-computer before packaging it away for later use.:.Corpse ceasing silent movement, not even a tiny sound betraying the presence of she.:.Cerulean ooids glimmer with unknown depths, wishing to get to know all better, yet knowing she had not even begun.:.Carefully pitched melody is sent forth, tuned for only thee King's lobes, for none other.:.

[]My King[]
[]The reason for my in-activity has been[]
[]I was...[]
[]Preocuupied(banned) for a while[]
[]Now that I am back[]
[]I will strive to make others more active[]
[]And I thank you for the position[]
[]Of the Flames[]

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