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Date Posted: 18:28:42 11/18/02 Mon
Author: [Ebony]
Subject: [Judgement day has arrived]

[The hellioness moves towards the empty equidistant of the small den. Haunches undulate, propelling weightless frame upwards onto a hard impediment in the path. Hindquarters fold beneath she, flamboyant howl requesting the attention of the other residents]

[Obsidian][You have my utmost respect. Thank you for always being there.]

[Tranquility][I wish to speak to the queen. Or is that too much to ask? I just wish to converse. Opinions witheld]

[Strider][Duh. This is judgement day. Not sit-here-gawking-at-me-waiting-for-his-judgement. I wont even talk, cause if ya have EYES you would see that we are best friends... wasnt supposed to say that!]

[Tiger Eyes][A noble hunter, I look up to you. I wish to talk. Muh hunting leaves...a bit to be desired when compared to you]

[Wind Dancer][A faithful companion, I like you a lot. You and strider hold one thing that I really admire...you are wolves. But not like all else. You can be vicious, but you have good hearts...meaning, you dont go around saying hurtful things to other den-members just to get recognition and respect. I know that respect comes from the heart, not sheer fear]


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