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Date Posted: 18:25:15 11/19/02 Tue
Author: strider and wind dancer
Subject: call of the wild ...... chill of the north wind
In reply to: [Ebony] 's message, "[Judgement day has arrived]" on 18:28:42 11/18/02 Mon

beast moved up to his bestest of buddies... lupine kiss was pressed upon her snout for his friendship and love for her was strong, thorns danced atop dial as he listened to the others around he, and she wind dancer who came with he. a soft yip is emmited as a gust of cool wind blew by, he had started to look like his old self long hair was slowly falling out. but was getting there.

hello ebony
long time no chat
how might you be love?

his large golden orbes watched her with out blinking.. if he was a protector this was who he protected the most.

wind dancer trotted up next to her friends strider and ebony, dial cocked as she watched them and heard their words fall from their mugs. golden pools watch from deep within thought, slightly clouded over with wonderment of deep oblivion running a movie in her head. she was frightened obsy was giong to dis own her, strider felt the same way due to how poorly they did on the raid.

ooc: sorry bout my bad posts their is just so much to do lol

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