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Date Posted: 14:05:34 11/22/02 Fri
Author: [..Kyara..]
Subject: [..a fallen angel..]
In reply to: \\.niebla obscura.// 's message, ".search. -for someone-" on 06:59:05 11/22/02 Fri

[..a fallen angel..]
[..The cries from a recuperating master echo upon the zephyr menacingly reinforcing the task at hand. An order, with further actions to be carried out, floating like a destination-less abandoned piece of driftwood in a vast ocean. Incandescent skylights burn vigorously setting the sky aflame reassuring the solitary lupine frame that her master was omnipotent, observing every action she performed. Occuli raise to the heavens, silently cursing her master’s mortal enemy. How she waited for the time to come when she could have a front row seat to watch the downfall of the beholder of a name that stuck fear into the frames of mere mortals. The day would come soon; her master’s day would soon be upon them..]

[..Its a damn cold night..]
[..Trying to figure out this life..]
[..Won't you take me by the hand..]
[..Take me somewhere new..]
[..I don't know who you are..]
[..But I'm with you..]

[..Receptacles twitch at the calling of another is made known to her and curiosity becomes overpowering persuading limbs to initiate motion towards other female. Demoness silently makes perpetual motions before halting inches away and allowing nasal passages to inter change carbon dioxide for oxygen and inhaling the incense of other vixen. Vocal chords allow the briefest yip to pass lips before illuminated chasms refocus upon lupine frame watching for any signs of movement..]

[..a fallen angel..]

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  • |Call| -- |*|Tiger Eye|*|, 14:05:59 11/22/02 Fri
  • . found . -chit-chat- -- \\.niebla obscura.//, 15:15:52 11/22/02 Fri

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