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. tapered lobes swivel quickly in response to the one dubbed Kyara . plume now drooped, giving respect to both of 'em . 'he 'ppeared to be strong . a shared sameness was felt, she-beast in thought silently for a second . yip was given in response, nares flaring to inhale the new scents .
[. want to chat? .]
[. we seem to have things in common .]
[. but p'rhaps it is just me .]
. hind-quarters pivot, facing tiger eye now also . all attention was given to h'r, 'membring of previous observances. 'he also 'ppeared to be strong, for arising in a time of weakness was no simple task . 'he had also seen of previous strongness, not just during her time of weakness . p'rhaps a future alliance or friendship was in store .
[.tiger eye.]
[. hey . ]
[. maybe I can get to know ya .]
\\. niebla obscura .//
\\. allied with none... yet . //
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