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Date Posted: 16:05:29 11/22/02 Fri
Author: White Frost
Subject: Whats a little frost goin' to do?
In reply to: \\.niebla obscura.// 's message, ".search. -for someone-" on 06:59:05 11/22/02 Fri

Vix makes her way to the circle. Wanting to converse she adds a whimper of a hello. Cold shiver sends apon her spine as she looks at thy of tiger eye. Low crown is given to her for she new that she was greatly respected. She would like to get to know her more though. dial turns to that of niebla obscura smile dances dial as she was greeted by her. Paws is given forth with a slight smile. Bark emitts(sp) from hearth and she turns to see that of Kyara. She has not seen her before and would like to be introduced. Whimper is forward to all as she joins the conversation

as everyday goes by how can we close our eyes

until we open up our hearts

we can learn to share and show how much we care

right from the moment that we start

it seems like overnight we see the world in a different light

somehow our innocence is lost

Well hello

May I join in the conversation?

I would graetly like to get to know you all

if that I could?

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