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Date Posted: 18:00:14 12/02/02 Mon
Author: wind dancer
Subject: chill of the north wind

She beast made her way through the now growing thick grasses that had started to over grow close to the forest edges she had been staying away from her leaders in serch of a guide to help her show she is worth being a wolf of this den. slightly depressed her stance realy low compared to her usual perky self, grey coat glittering still but dull in colour, her worries had made her sick the golden glow in her eyes no longer exisited, she hadnt eaten in days.. weeks even but she kept away from everyone, perhaps it would have been better if she left and lived at the water hole, but what would she do there, a rude stallion might hurt her and so she didnt dare leave her loved home, the longing to return to the den made her weak with fright of being sent away and so she stayed at the forset edge. perhaps someone will help her. She once wished to give children to her leader but now she felt no worth, her heat would end soon, and she didnt care any longer, it was time to lay down befor she fell down and thats all thgat was on her mind, light steps bring her to a soft patch of fallen leaves, her body *thumps* down on the nice cool ground smelling all the things around her sleep soon comes, dreams filled with past life.. the good times she had here befor she messed up so badly,

ooc: i think i should try keep my wolves going if i cant handle my horses right now.. so expect to see alot of windy and strider... :) and also sorry bout my bad post :(

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