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Date Posted: 18:16:44 12/02/02 Mon
Author: Strider
Subject: call of the wild

his real name unknown but around here they call him strider

He beast slowly somberd through the home lands, thorns dancing atop his dial, within his closed maw a tuft of white fluff hung outwards, low but dominant stance as he walked to his leader, lowering his dominance to submition as he got closer, he was a proud wolf but still felt bad for his un-excusable actions he should have been de-ranked but he wasnt happy he wasnt but he knew he did not need it he was a failer to the lupine race that time and he wished to make it up to his king, upon reaching obsy he placed a fat little rabbit at his feet, nodding his dial slightly as if to say here this is a gift master please enjoy, turning away dial cocked and tail low as can be he walked back to his tree stump a place he enjoyed with its melow atmosphear, rasinf his dial to the heavens vocal cordes twitching vibrantly he called out to his friend ebony, his best friend he had ever had as his slow life carried on, the call echoed off the mountains in the near by horse domains, bouncing back into the herem and back outwards, his call echoing in his midle C voice on a perfect scale music for the nights ears golden pools glowing brightly as he returned his gaze the the earth bound plain, lupine smile played his lips as he searched for she, and perhaps any others he might encounter on his endless gaze into oblivion of the den right now, was there any new commers who he had yet to meet?

ooc: yay post number 2 im on a roll tonight lol!!!!

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