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Date Posted: 16:57:12 12/19/02 Thu
Author: strider and windy
Subject: call of the wild ..... chill of the north wind

the battle for middle earth!

he beast moved along the forest edge in search of a small meal and a puddle for water to drink it was a litte dry today as the days grew longer and longer his coat growing lovly in the warming days and nights, thorns dancing atop his dial as he listened for the calling of his friends, the sweet sound was not found and so his hunt began again, the threat of his leader leaving frightened him, who would take over intill the old soul could return to his people, (or should i say wolves) a curse had come to play upon obsidians head and the curse was that of father time, if there was a way to slow it down strider would do it. lupine smile crossed his mug as the smell of a fat quail crossed the air, placing his ear to the ground and taking deep breaths he tracked the plump dumb bird. stalking the animal with a comando style, un-noticed till the time was way to late he sprang onto the bird snapping its tender and small neck killing it instantly, could have been a heart attack from the fear or the impact of his paw the bird was now food, he sat there ripping at the feathers, knowing that it wast bright to eat them, he didnt lift his head. cleaning his bird to perfection, just befor he clamped down on it once more something moved in the distance, was it an illusion, he ignored it it had no sound, but something wasnt right, he lift his head to watch the creatur from afar, sniffing the thick air of the old forest with care, when he clued in, it was another wolf, a female wolf, it was wind dancer. she had returned home, stumbling from the need of food and rest she fell to the ground, strider jumped up and ran to her, lifting her head, nudging her to wake up, her golden pools opened with a slight sparkle, she had returned home, she yipped softly for strider to walk a little ways behind her, for she had brought something for the pack. strider listened to her words and he was off, befor long he returned with a larger animals leg in his maw, with the leg came the animal, a deer, a baby about half a year old now, but it was still big enough to feed the pack, he dragged it into the center of the clearing, dropping it fast so he could go and get windy, dragging her into the den by the scruff of the neck he placed her in her spot on the den floor. rasing his dial he called out to the others,

My friends wind dancer has come home, and she has come with a gift, lets eat!

ooc: wow this is a real long real bad post EEEEWWWWWW but yay windy is back! and we got food!!!! obsy you better not go anyplace!!! and if you must i know that one of your male followers will help keep this place a running... like faylem sorry if i spelled the wrong... well got to go

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