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Date Posted: 09:09:36 12/20/02 Fri
Author: [..Kyara..]
Subject: [..Who would you trust?..] (Obsidian)

[..a fallen angel..]
[..My master's cries go silent whilst I await his further orders. With pondering thoughts I decide I might as well make use my time here to get to know these beings within the useless lupine forms. The calling of the one who called him self Obsidian proved interest to her; as he should do being the alpha. His declaration of abdication surprising her before he automatically retracts such words. A smirk crossing her features the shadows encompassing her small frame. The worthless beings he commanded amazed her as many were not worthy of the effort and time he placed into their hands. Her master would not condone their behaviour for longer than a few seconds at best, if they had lived with her. They had no sense of loyalty, determination or aims. How many of them would die for their cause? How many of them could he never question their loyalty, even in the darkest of times? The darkness shrank as a deep growl was promulgated forth, alerting the alpha male to her presence. One receptacle constantly pushing forth before waiting to see if he would honour her by replying. Concern never settles upon features as her eyes never stray from his focus, merely waiting to see how he would vocalise his eventual reply..]

[..Your pack seems to lack many things but and a wise leader should know such things; I do not doubt your abilities and several amongst your pack I do not doubt that they have proven their loyalty, but how many would you never question their motives? Answer me honestly. How many would you say would stick by you throughout? My master has taught me many lessons in my time with him and never would I desert a battle midway or my motives go questioned, nor my loyalty waver..]

[..a fallen angel..]

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