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Date Posted: 09:39:34 12/20/02 Fri
Author: [..Kyara..]
Subject: [..Humour me whilst you have the chance..] (Tiger Eye)

[..a fallen angel..]
[..Her master grew silent and such worried her but she had learnt a long time not to question his motives. He would inform her of her mission once his servants had performed all necessary tasks needed to aid their mission. This provides only a minor distraction from her daily tasks; her focus returns to the trainer and her question is vocalised to her. The activity in this place was unbelievably non-existent and for once she could not extract herself from that situation or label. She was as guilty as the others for turning inactive; her presence was always here although not always felt. Observation was her greatest skill and the strength of mind running a close second. One receptacle is slowly twisted forward to await a reply from the higher ranked female..]

[..Hail Tiger Eye! I come to thee for training, humour please. Boredom is the biggest killer of all. Bestow your worth and training on to me, I will perform to the best of my ability, well that is should you chose to accept me as your neophyte?..]

[..a fallen angel..]

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