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Date Posted: 09:12:45 12/20/02 Fri
Author: [..Kyara..]
Subject: [..everything changes..](niebla obscura & critic)

[..a fallen angel..]
[..Her thoughts left her master and concentrated upon the here and now. Her thoughts wandered to the wench she had conversed with briefly before, the one who went by the curse niebla obscura. A second vixen had caught her attention, one cursed critic. In both she saw great potential to become 'friends' and alliances with. Such links where rarely formed between Kyara and others, as she preferred to remain solitary and isolated, trusting her instincts and looking out for number one. So it was rare for her to find another, let alone two who she felt friendly towards. Her focus returns firstly to niebla obscura and secondly to critic and her thoughts are swiftly vocalised to the pair of lupines. One receptacle is slowly twisted forward to await a reply from either of the two females which she had addressed..]

[..Hail! I see you are in a similar position to myself bearing the title 'acceptance pending. I have a certain amount of respect admiration for you even at an early stage. Your mind, your insanity amuses me, reminds me of home, reminds me of my master. How do I find you today? Tell me of your tale and your past, your hopes and your fears. I wish to know much about you..]

niebla obscura
[..Hail my friend. I was enjoying our previous conversation, finding we shared much in common and so I return to find out if we still share much in common. How do I find you? Well I hope..]

[..a fallen angel..]

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