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Date Posted: 10:38:18 01/03/03 Fri
Author: Pyarlis, Shadow Spinner, Ku'reshtan, Silent Zephyr, etc.
Subject: Death Is Only The Beginning

The mini-pack was all that was left - comrades fallen, pups leaving - and now it was their time as well. One last time would they set foot upon these lands.

Cerulean Dawn, so young, but ill - poisoned...her body lay lifeless amongst the shadows - a free meal for scavengers.

Ku'reshtan, hadn't the heart to live without his sister and died thereafter of a seemingless cause but no life was left. His ivory bodice lay lifeless next to hers.

Silent Zephyr, whose life upon this earth had numbered many years, was ready to leave. So she left the lands of the pack and of the Wild Soulz horses forever...but her bodice was to lay in her old home, far away.

Pyralis, too broken-hearted by her comrades' deaths and her pups' deaths, lay lifeless for many days before dying of pain. Her shadowed body was thin and ragged and there was nothing left.

Shadow Spinner watched her companions fall and a heavy heart was laden with more pain. Her eyes were sullen and her coat was no longer a glistening ivory but a dull, off-white. Her mate had long since diminished from her memory and her pups had left to find a better life. There was almost nothing left for her to live for, but there was still the hope that she could say goodbye. In-so-doing, she left the lands of earth with a simple satisfaction - knowing she was ready for death to take her and happy that she had fulfilled her duty as Beta to the best of her ability and beyond.

okeyday...I'm sorry Obsidian I really am, but I haven't the heart to RP at Wild Soulz anymore...

if anyone wants to still talk to me and such my AIM is AllAmericanBtch1 and I will sitll be Co-Owner with Cyndy, so you haven't gotten rid of me :-P, but I can't RP at WIld Soulz any longer.


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