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Date Posted: 16:36:04 01/03/03 Fri
Author: [ tranquility ]
Subject: [ queeen of hearts || all in NOW! NO EXECPTIONS! ]

[ tranquility ]
[ queen of hearts ]

[. bedraggled frame of the queen gem is drug across the boundary of the canine lands, bodice supported atop quadruple appendages, soul weary. hinds fold, weight brought upon hind quarters as domicile is hoisted into the air, maw pointed in the direction of the slim sliver of the moon. jowls part, expelling a high melodic howl, carrying easily afar, across the lands, calling the pack near .]

[. my friends…i have traveled far and wide in search of the one obsidian. i found him, but alas, he will not be returning for some time. our leader has duties away from us, and god knows he needs the time afar. whether you admit it or not, you all know what a burden this pack was becoming to our king. every one of you is guilty of it…i wouldn’t have blamed him if he had left. you were always pressuring him, expecting him to arrive at your every beck and call, and then when he didn’t arrive at the snap of your fingers you cried…whined about how you were always ignored. and we call ourselves a pack…pah! more like a huddle of whimpering pups. and not a one of you can deny it. look at you now…obsidian has disappeared for a week or so and you fall apart! what a pathetic bunch we are. now i am here before you to knock some sense into you all. those of you who are ranked ’acceptance pending’, i suggest you get up and make yourselves known if you ever want to leave that spot. out leader appointed trainers for a reason. tiger eye, i give you the freedom to train whoever you like, whether they want it or not, seeing as we seem to reject improvement. obsidian would be ashamed at you all, and i am disgusted at the state we’ve fallen into. when obsidian returns we will be a reformed pack. NO ONE will be inactive. we will be perfect. i will be your leader now. don’t like it? deal. if you don’t plan to reform your pathetic selves, leave. attitudes like that are not needed. i’ve said my part. now let’s hear yours .]

yes, obsidian will not be returning for some time. that leaves me in charge. i mean what i said. this is absolutely pathetic. get your acts together and let’s do this. -smiles- this is an activity check. there will be consequences for those who don’t reply.

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