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Date Posted: 14:49:24 01/06/03 Mon
Author: [ tranquility ]
Subject: [ queeen of hearts ]
In reply to: . temptation . 's message, ". tempted ." on 12:58:39 01/06/03 Mon

[. haunches collapse beneath the powdered gem, brushed tassel curling around bodice as maw brushes lightly over her own two pups, tongue caressing each in turn. as needs are tended, audits twitch, hearing the other out. eloquence morphs, pondering as expression adopts a hint of concern .]

[. i hear your concern…if this bluster of activity continues, and the pack really does make an effort to change their ways…and i sincerely doubt that such will prevail…i too will face the consequences of the joyous bundles before me. i have taken up my mate’s responsibilities at a time that i would otherwise be here in the den caring for them while the others ran the roost. not now. i will manage. and so will you. i have an idea that would enable us both to go about freely and still ensure the safety of the pups. perhaps if one or two extremely trusted females were chosen to act as a sort of ‘baby sitters’. this would be their responsibility and could possibly be made a rank. i would be free to run the pack and you would be free to assist me…tell me-what do you think? ]

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