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Subject: Re: The search

Jason Chase
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Date Posted: 23:50:47 03/04/02 Mon
In reply to: Ex-Commadore Havok 's message, "The search" on 23:31:49 03/04/02 Mon

>Jason Chase 1 chocolate dildo…half-eaten, a schoolgirl
>uniform and 5 videotapes, which I have yet to view.
>Vincent: 1 penis pump and a school girl minus the
>uniform? I figure the fore said tapes will explain
>Cpt. Rico: a bunch of dust character sheets and a girl
>clutching a jar with 2 testicles, who yelled, “MINE
>MINE MINE.” When I approached. Rico…you realllly
>need to take care of that….preferable by flushing it
>or shooting it in the face.
>Jean Petett` Mon Dane All I found was perfume and
>The smurf guy had nothing but doctor dimento records
>and a monty python hand puppet…. You need help…
>Carmen was in possession of one dead cowboy…did you
>kill him or where you attempting to bring him back
>form the dead.
>Draven….Well Draven didn’t have much of anything…Nuf
>And finaly our Captain…on brunette blow up doll with
>several lacerations to the head and chest regions and
>a butt plug cleverly hidden in a space suit glove. Go
>All these items have been confiscated and stored in
>the evidence locker exept for Chases video tapes wich
>will be viewed at 2100 hrs for the amusment of all.
>Thanks for you support
>Ex-Commadore Havok out

Well, I hope someone brings some popcorn when we watch the videos. Many people have called the tapes, "The feel good comedy of the year" or "Guaranteed to send you home happy" Siskel and Ebert "I laughed, I cried, 2 very enthusiastic thumbs up" I can't wait...I hope to see you all at the movies, and, IF you have 3D glasses, bring em.
A blow-up doll and butt plug in the captains quarters...
Weird man....
Soooo...I vote we do a surprise inspection of Havoks quarters...wonder what that'd turn up...? :)

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Re: The searchCpt. Mantoc01:19:24 03/05/02 Tue

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