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Subject: [Soothe]

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Date Posted: 14:54:26 08/28/02 Wed
In reply to: Caita 's message, "*Almost afraid to speak to her king.*" on 14:25:44 08/28/02 Wed

[Ruff was still bristled, whip twitching with anger and annoyance as she silent went to her mate's side. Soothing vocal call was given as she nudged him softly, muscles releasing their tension beneath sleek hide]

What she says is true. She is gone now, a mad hatter if you know what I mean.

[Worry and anxiety were still strongly obvious in her pacing features]

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[> [> [> Subject: .×. c o n f l a g r a n t

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Date Posted: 19:54:03 08/29/02 Thu

.×. hazels linger 'pon Caita . silent as words o' she are spoken . jerkish nod o' plat acknowledges information as dangerous pace o' bulk continues . brawns 'neath ectoderm quite obviously flex'd as watch o' desir'd is preform'd . haultin' as if to reassure ones o' bevy . stiffly rest'd 'pon vimm'd 'aunches as caress soothes nerves 'bout a wee hair . yet 'twas an obvious sacrifice not to acknowledge and act 'pon adrienaline that rapidly races within bloodstream . tones still hold jagg'd edges that are sharp 'pon the end o' his words . "'Tis well that none was harm'd by such." . orics cast glance 'pon each . as if avowin' none was acctually done . than strut o' ill humour takes russet beast 'ward lair in which bairns reside once 'gain .×.

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