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Date Posted: 08:13:01 07/28/02 Sun
Author: Candy
Subject: Is there ANYONE out there that's liking or invested in ANYTHING on OLTL?

I've been all over the boards this am and I've never seen anything like it, not even in the height of the Phelps reign of terror. I've yet to see ANYONE really happy with their faves, be it couples or characters.

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[> I think there are a few TNT fans who are happy... -- Me, 11:40:26 07/28/02 Sun

>I've been all over the boards this am and I've never
>seen anything like it, not even in the height of the
>Phelps reign of terror. I've yet to see ANYONE really
>happy with their faves, be it couples or characters.

...but I really can't understand why. Even if TNT get together, he's already tried to kill her. For any sane person, that would effectively END the couple's rootability. Personally, I can't find a single thing to get excited about. I stopped watching completely last week. I hate Viki/Niki, Troy/Nora, the destruction of Blair, Saint Sam, the tiresome teens. IMHO, it all bites. I can't even enjoy Todd anymore. T&B fans got screwed royally with this lame ending. What's left to watch?

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[> [> Only little glimses here and there...(click) -- ApothoKeri, 05:31:17 07/29/02 Mon

I think that Nat and Chris are kinda of nice, but then again, they are just SO young, ya know? I wasn't even into the teen SL when I WAS a teen.

I think Bo and Gabby are kinda sweet too, but honestly, I think that in the long run Gabby really IS too dark for Bo. Besides, I feel that Bo and Nora AND Gabby and Max will always BELONG together at some level, so it is hard for me to get behind them.

The rest...

Troll Island...STUPID and BORING.

Keri and AnPhonio put me in a COMA.

The Viki/Iki/Niki stuff is SO hyper and retarted that it makes me cringe.

Jessica, Seth and Rex are all boring, IMO. PLUS, I HATE what they have done to Jessica! I am not a big Jess fan and never have been, but damn, they COULD have brought in a strong interesting Natalie without throwing Jessica to the wolves.

Jen SUCKS, Rae SUCKS (but I was amused at Asa messing with her...Bwahahaha).

Max and Roxie I find trite. Although it DID make me like Max more, which I NEVER thought that I would again.

I want MORE Asa, Nigel and RJ (I want a WOMAN for RJ too...Blair, Alex, Lindsey or Liz).

I miss Lindsey.

Nora and Sam both give me a rash.

I like Chad but can't STAND Emily and do not see the point in her. Chad needs a STORY.

Troy, whatever, he is better than Sam. I would like for he and Blair to become friends...but as it is now, that dark past of his is not holding my attention, personally.

BTW, did I mention that if DORIAN, CASSIE, CARLO and ALEX (full time) came back...maybe David Vickers and Powell Lord, I would be SO more interested!

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[> [> [> I was kind of having fun with the Island stuff up until that "Todd&Crab" (will he or won't he kill the damn thing) discussion, man that was soooooooo bad, I haven't watched since. -- Candy, 05:59:28 07/29/02 Mon

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[> [> [> [> Yea, I haven't watched much of this crap either, just some here and there...The ONLY good Todd moment in this whole SL has been Todd attacking Ross when he woke up, IMO! (eyeroll). I only saw snappies of the Crab thing. Roger LOOKED good in the snappies, that's about the BEST I can say about it! -- ApothoKeri, 10:27:51 07/29/02 Mon

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[> I kind of like Natalie and Chris, but they're screwing that up too. I've watched five times in the last month. FOUR times out of the FIVE, I'v had to hear Chris say, "I know you didn't push Ben out of that window!" Then she says, "Chris, I'm not dragging you down with me," or something to that effect... WHOMEVER writes this crap needs to stop hitting the crackpipe. I don't think they want us to watch it, honestly. GH is getting good though! -- OTWB, 14:56:48 07/28/02 Sun

>I've been all over the boards this am and I've never
>seen anything like it, not even in the height of the
>Phelps reign of terror. I've yet to see ANYONE really
>happy with their faves, be it couples or characters.

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[> [> I may tune into GH cause OLTL sure isn't cutting it for me. That's just pitiful that the only couple that's got anything going for them is Chris and Nat, there's gotta be a better way to watch a soap. -- Candy, 15:52:00 07/28/02 Sun

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[> I find a few grunts of approval...that Niki may soon be gone and I like that Asa has something on Rae...... but pshaw! No investment in ANY story, couple or character. Even my shallowness has been spent. Still watching, but it ain't even thru parted fingers, it's with glossed over eyes! -- cataz, 20:38:07 07/28/02 Sun

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[> [> Bo and Gabby aren't bad. Not a lot of passion, but at least they're not screeching at each other. -- OTWB, 05:04:26 07/29/02 Mon

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[> [> [> Hmmm, the end of Niki..Gez, do you think GT is coping a clue? Two idiots (TWAD and ICKY) on one show, carrying on like damn fools is a bit much. Oh, does anyone know (or @ this late date care) why Niki came out? Boy talk about dragging the point out and the basic lack of motivation is what's turning me off. Man this show needs some new writers in like NOW!!! -- Candy, so bored she can't even work up a good Hag snark, 05:51:25 07/29/02 Mon

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[> [> [> [> You mean there actually was a reason we've been hit with Niki? Oh yeah....the big SECRET. Sorry, don't care anymore why, just get her the hell off my screen! -- cataz, 21:47:57 07/29/02 Mon

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[> [> [> [> [> MSE cataz, my daughter was visiting me and hadn't seen the show in years (single working mom) anyway, Niki had on that red wig and started carrying on about something and my daughter said "OMG what happen to Viki, she looks horrible and really old?" I of course responded "You don't want to know" the only thing worse than a young fool (Todd at least still looks good) is an old fool, all they need to do is put Tammy Fay Baker makeup on ES and they'd have a great remake of "What ever happened to Baby Jane?" ...YIKES!! -- Candy, 05:25:34 07/30/02 Tue

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[> [> [> Bo & Gabs can be fun....but I think I'm gun shy. As soon as I invest, I'll get burned...Gabs doesn't really have it in her to be good enuf for Bo. Same with Cris & Nat. Better to stay disconnected. -- cataz, 21:45:55 07/29/02 Mon

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[> I watched today after 3 weeks of not watching. There were quite a few things I liked ... click. -- LuvTodd, 13:23:28 07/29/02 Mon

I know I'm going to piss off the Blair fans, but I enjoyed watching her with the nanny scheming to get Nora Spammed. The pantsuit was sharp, her hair looks great and her makeup is perfect. Even her shoes were nice. Then there's Starr. She's quite a little dresser too, but what really ALWAYS amazes me is how insightful she is. She asked Blair what I was mouthing out loud as Blair spoke. She doesn't believe Blair doesn't miss her daddy and neither do I. I find it interesting that Todd is still a part of Blair's storyline in light of the fact, that Todd is now paired with his soul mate on the Island of Love.

RJ and Alison. OK, it pisses me off that RJ allows this little miniature poodle to bark orders at him and threaten him. BUT ... TDS plays well with this actress.

Roxie and Max ... sure they have lost a little steam from live week, but it's still good. I wish they would write a AA story for Roxie and then maybe she would stand a chance in hell at landing Max in her bed.

As for Todd and Tea. lol! Lovin' it, now that I know it's all a wet dream.

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[> [> RJ and Alison.......OMG.....if anyone could scare RJ, it's that crazy b*tch! Love Roxie and Max. They're my favorite couple. -- Tf, 17:21:08 07/29/02 Mon

>I know I'm going to piss off the Blair fans, but I
>enjoyed watching her with the nanny scheming to get
>Nora Spammed. The pantsuit was sharp, her hair looks
>great and her makeup is perfect. Even her shoes were
>nice. Then there's Starr. She's quite a little
>dresser too, but what really ALWAYS amazes me is how
>insightful she is. She asked Blair what I was
>mouthing out loud as Blair spoke. She doesn't believe
>Blair doesn't miss her daddy and neither do I. I find
>it interesting that Todd is still a part of Blair's
>storyline in light of the fact, that Todd is now
>paired with his soul mate on the Island of Love.
>RJ and Alison. OK, it pisses me off that RJ allows
>this little miniature poodle to bark orders at him and
>threaten him. BUT ... TDS plays well with this
>Roxie and Max ... sure they have lost a little steam
>from live week, but it's still good. I wish they
>would write a AA story for Roxie and then maybe she
>would stand a chance in hell at landing Max in her bed.
>As for Todd and Tea. lol! Lovin' it, now that I know
>it's all a wet dream.

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[> [> I liked the island stuff today........I think today was a parody of Blue Lagoon. I loved when naive Todd's eyes bulged out of his head as Tea bared her cardboard bra. One thing nice......RH has been working out a lot since Rod got that massage so long ago. -- Tf, 17:29:33 07/29/02 Mon

>I know I'm going to piss off the Blair fans, but I
>enjoyed watching her with the nanny scheming to get
>Nora Spammed. The pantsuit was sharp, her hair looks
>great and her makeup is perfect. Even her shoes were
>nice. Then there's Starr. She's quite a little
>dresser too, but what really ALWAYS amazes me is how
>insightful she is. She asked Blair what I was
>mouthing out loud as Blair spoke. She doesn't believe
>Blair doesn't miss her daddy and neither do I. I find
>it interesting that Todd is still a part of Blair's
>storyline in light of the fact, that Todd is now
>paired with his soul mate on the Island of Love.
>RJ and Alison. OK, it pisses me off that RJ allows
>this little miniature poodle to bark orders at him and
>threaten him. BUT ... TDS plays well with this
>Roxie and Max ... sure they have lost a little steam
>from live week, but it's still good. I wish they
>would write a AA story for Roxie and then maybe she
>would stand a chance in hell at landing Max in her bed.
>As for Todd and Tea. lol! Lovin' it, now that I know
>it's all a wet dream.

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[> [> [> Cardboard bra?! Muhahahahaha!!! Isn't that thing the worst?! It looks like something off of an old lady's Playtex 18 hour box. What's up with that? Are they trying to hide the fact she has zero cleavage? -- Llanviewer, 20:15:29 07/29/02 Mon

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[> [> [> [> LMAO 18 hour cardboard playtex bra, to freaking funny? All she needs are some whirlies on the cup and she'd be in business. -- Candy, 20:22:07 07/29/02 Mon

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[> [> [> You can bulge those eyes all you want Todd, there's still nothing there except flat land and a couple of tree trunks to break up the landscape (poor TeaUGH) -- Candy, 06:34:40 07/30/02 Tue

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[> [> One more thing.....Hedy's message was really funny! -- Tf, 17:33:52 07/29/02 Mon

>I know I'm going to piss off the Blair fans, but I
>enjoyed watching her with the nanny scheming to get
>Nora Spammed. The pantsuit was sharp, her hair looks
>great and her makeup is perfect. Even her shoes were
>nice. Then there's Starr. She's quite a little
>dresser too, but what really ALWAYS amazes me is how
>insightful she is. She asked Blair what I was
>mouthing out loud as Blair spoke. She doesn't believe
>Blair doesn't miss her daddy and neither do I. I find
>it interesting that Todd is still a part of Blair's
>storyline in light of the fact, that Todd is now
>paired with his soul mate on the Island of Love.
>RJ and Alison. OK, it pisses me off that RJ allows
>this little miniature poodle to bark orders at him and
>threaten him. BUT ... TDS plays well with this
>Roxie and Max ... sure they have lost a little steam
>from live week, but it's still good. I wish they
>would write a AA story for Roxie and then maybe she
>would stand a chance in hell at landing Max in her bed.
>As for Todd and Tea. lol! Lovin' it, now that I know
>it's all a wet dream.

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[> [> Heddy was hilarious! She had several quotables. RJ should at least try to make Alison nervous .. she ain't too crazy. Niki Smith sure scared the shit out of her. On a scale of 1 to 10, I'd give the show an 8. Very enjoyable. -- LuvTodd, 19:12:45 07/29/02 Mon

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[> Liking but not investing......I HATE the Niki crap, HATE the TnT crap, HATE the Rae crap, HATE the Jen/Al crap, HATE Antonio and Kari -and I HATE that we have to see Lindsay seek revenge against boring Nora for the zillionth time. I like Nat/Chris......like Gabs/Bo...and like the Blair storyline more than I thought. btw Where's Nigel? Love him. None of this is enthralling enough to keep me watching steadily (I'll still watch off when I'm bored and catch updates on the net) after RH is gone -unless they come up with a good storyline for TDS. -- Llanviewer, 20:22:45 07/29/02 Mon

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