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Date Posted: 04:36:44 09/03/02 Tue
Author: Candy
Subject: I figured that out Holly what with the 10 zillion flashbacks of a dead Rick and the woman. I was more talking about the L&L dynamics, after all these years they still have "IT"
In reply to: Holly 's message, "Candy, Laura's been offing people again." on 20:27:55 09/02/02 Mon

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[> [> [> They're both rockin and rollin. I'm really liking GH for the most part -- Holly, 20:48:05 09/03/02 Tue

Nik and Lucky are more interesting than they've been since the recasts.

I love Robin Christopher. I loved Skye and Jax. And that says a lot, because I despise Jax. Despise him even more now. He, of all people, ought to have some empathy for the position Skye was in when she cut the deal with Evil Edward.

And I love Sonny and Carly. That's why I'm glad Brenda is back. I know (and will never tell) how I want the Sonny Carly Brenda Skye Jax thing to go. I'm looking forward to watching what happens.

Billy Warlock has never been more sympathetic as AJ (still miss Sean Kanan's physical presence). And I take back every mean thing I said about Daisy-er-Courtney. AND, it's about time AJ got some of what's rightly his. For real.

Hate Liz. Hate Jason. Hate Liz and Jason.

Bobbi belongs with Tony. Really.

I wish Allan had killed Rick (finally - I never liked that smarmy fuck - does anyone besides me remember that Monica was married to Jeff Webber when Rick was first doing her?)

Tony Geary broke my heart. Again. He and Genie have something really special together, and Luke and Laura will always and forever mean always and forever to me.

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[> [> [> [> Oh Holly....you gave me goose bumps....click -- Candy, 05:40:57 09/04/02 Wed

I really appreciate these GH recaps but this is what gave me the goose bumps:

Tony Geary broke my heart. Again. He and Genie have something really special together, and Luke and Laura will always and forever mean always and forever to me.

Me too Holly, me too!!...BOOHOOHOO...sob....WAAA

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