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Date Posted: 22:16:37 09/12/02 Thu
Author: Margi
Subject: Oh hell, why not? It isn't like my mailbox has been filling up with e-cards from TnT fans congratulating this TnB fan on Todd's newly realized love for Blair -well, newly realized for today anyway? LOL!! (inside)..
In reply to: Candy 's message, "It's hard to not gloat......$#!%#&*@!...but....nope, not me...oh my!!!" on 18:13:35 09/12/02 Thu

I've spent part of the evening chatting with a few TnT fans that have had no trouble reminding me of reasons I should hate Todd and Blair together. You don't think they are trying to spoil this happy TnBer's good viewing day? Nah, never! Even after I put a 24 hours self-imposed ban on my big mouth and typing fingers as not to ruin their good time when FL returned? I'm just so CLASSSSSSY! I hope they're not trying to -because it isn't working! It's been too damn good of a day for me and I've been starving for this!! Muwawawawa!!!

I genuinely feel bad for a few -especially 2 TnT fans I know from the boards. I know from sparring with them how much they love and enjoy their couple, how invested they are, and how upset they must be right now. I empathize because I've been there -done that -will probably be there again -and truly hate it. GT can be such an ASS! I hope they can bounce back and get back what they felt they lost, because Lord knows in GT's world nothing lasts forever -or even more than a day at times. There's no use giving up at this point in the game -IMO it's too darn early. As for the rest -well, I really don't care either way anymore. :)

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[> [> [> [> Margi: I think I finally understand the why and fors of Swill in the South Pacific, it was to put closure to TnT....click -- Candy, 06:43:49 09/13/02 Fri

I've been around long enough and I've seen the movie more times than I have fingers and toes. The "TnT are FINITO" warning bells went off at decimal 10 when GT said he was well aware there were about 3 TnT'ers with 78 alters spamming the shit out of everyone. This is WHY I don't participate in campaigns. I know a lot of T&B'ers wanted a gruesome death for TeaUGH but truthfully, I like this much better. GT finally got his ass off that fence and is making a statement to us all. Todd ALWAYS has and ALWAYS will love Blair more than Tea <~~I think he tried to love her but his HEART was alwys with Blair and his child(ren) as it should be)

That said, I have no expectations that T&B4 will be any better than this last go around was....forwarned is forearmed and I for one hate carrots, especially when they expect me to bend over and let them cram it where the sun doesn't shine...UNGREASED!! And that my friend(s) is EXACTLY what happened to the TnT'ers with this "Swill in the South Pacific" SL....nuff said

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