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Date Posted: 18:25:00 09/27/02 Fri
Author: Candy
Subject: YIKES...YIKES...YIKES!!

This Sam and Blair thing is a rehash of TRIPE!! Think about it...Shister lawyer (Sam) makes the moves on a hurt and pissed off Blair while ex-hubby, she obviously still loves, is out of the box somewhere in Guam=Shister lawyer (TeaUGH) makes the moves on a hurt and pissed off Todd while ex-wife, whom he obviously still loved, was out of the box in a stroke induced coma!!....to be continued (I'm sure)

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[> Lame as hell, THEN, LAME as hell NOW..... oh well, I don't give Tomlin high odds on having an imagination, that's for sure. -- OTWB, 05:53:24 09/28/02 Sat

>This Sam and Blair thing is a rehash of TRIPE!! Think
>about it...Shister lawyer (Sam) makes the moves on a
>hurt and pissed off Blair while ex-hubby, she
>obviously still loves, is out of the box somewhere in
>Guam=Shister lawyer (TeaUGH) makes the moves on a hurt
>and pissed off Todd while ex-wife, whom he obviously
>still loved, was out of the box in a stroke induced
>coma!!....to be continued (I'm sure)

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[> OMG, you're so right! -- Greta, 11:37:50 09/28/02 Sat

Well, I stopped watching during TNT, so I'm pretty sure I'll stop watching now. Same sh!t, different pile.

By the way, Candy, I DID enjoy that knockwurst to the TNTers (Todd saying he loves Blair). Your were right. It was a doozy.

But now there doesn't seem to be much to look forward to. I have no desire to watch Blair boink Sam, so unless I hear that T&B are having SEX, I'm tuning out.

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[> If they're gonna do rehash I want it all, complete with Todd pushing Sam out of a window after a slam against his short stature Todd:" You're messing with the wrong man shrimp bastard=Blair: "you're messing with the wrong woman Chiquita"...you know what else??... instead of the second story window they should do it right, on top of the Manning building would work for me...to be continued (I'm sure) -- Candy, 14:51:46 09/28/02 Sat

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