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Date Posted: 08:04:14 10/05/02 Sat
Author: Candy
Subject: Moving right along.....

I think I've been burnt one to many times because I couldn't care less what Blair does or with whom. And if Todd comes back in full blown "goof" mode I'll jump off his bandwagon too. To many T&B slings and arrows have tainted me and I'm done with the "at what price glory?" routine. And no, some of something is NOT always better than all of nothing!!....jmo, of course

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[> There is NO glory in it. Investing in Blair, is like investing in the wind, because TMFIC don't give a damn what they do to her, her history or anything else as long as it props whatever loser, they want to ram down our throats as some kind of a stud, white hat... et al. I'm done too, not worth the heartache. -- OTWB, 08:07:23 10/05/02 Sat

>I think I've been burnt one to many times because I
>couldn't care less what Blair does or with whom. And
>if Todd comes back in full blown "goof" mode I'll jump
>off his bandwagon too. To many T&B slings and arrows
>have tainted me and I'm done with the "at what price
>glory?" routine. And no, some of something is
>NOT always better than all of nothing!!....jmo,
>of course

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[> [> For me it's not all about Blair OR Todd...thinking on it all it's a damn shame the best payoff the T&B'ers got was at the expense of another fanbase (see/hear above) I just know I'm sick of TIIC hauling out T&B during sweeps and the rest of the time nauseating us with crap like insta-love/sex, Jen and the gawd awful teens and the rest of the swill. The last good week I seem to recall was live week, since then it's been a silly ass snooze of a show. The quality comparison between GH and OLTL is like night and day -- Candy, 10:04:06 10/05/02 Sat

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[> [> [> You're very right.... click -- OTWB, 10:55:03 10/05/02 Sat

I don't watch GH, but even when I have a day off, after OLTL is over if I watch, I can get hooked on GH at least for a day, whether I'm into the stories or not, just by the pure action of it all. I loved that scene when Sonny got shot. THAT was mesmerizing! I remember being late for work the day that Luke was talking to those nuns, doing the holy roller preacher routine. I was laughing, and enjoying EVERY minute of it and I swear to this day, I had no idea WHY he was doing it. It really didn't matter, it was just GREAT dialogue and I was ENTERTAINED. Now there's a concept... ENTERTAINING the FANS, by putting on a GOOD SHOW, as opposed to TMFIC getting ENTERTAINED and puffed up by the FIGHTING of the FANS! I guess the Brenda wars are heating up, but I'm not a part of that, and couldn't care less. If GH gives up writing good soap, and starts yanking chains because the Brenda wars are payoff for THEM, then to hell with GH TOO.

OLTL hasn't been mesmerizing in.... YEARS. Entertaining, it's had it's moments. Merely moments floating in a bucket of WARM SPIT. I said before SOS was over, that I didn't think that anything they did could make up for the BS I've had to endure, and I stand by that. As far as I'm concerned, there was NO reason for any of that shit, other than stirring up the Todd wars. After it was all said and done, right up and through the TeUGH diss, I was like... "is this IT?" So...

I'm gonna call it lame, and watching another fan base get battered instead of seeing a GOOD story doesn't cut it for me. The only good was that it was better than nothing, and telling me that it could be "worse" only pisses me off. So? This implies.... "Jeeze be nice, don't bitch, TMFIC will be angry, and fuck you over even worse the next time." Puhlease.... if TMFIC can only do their jobs by the standards of "it could be worse," then PISS on THEM, not US.

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[> UGH! I could care less if T&B will be. I am just sick of watching Blair beaten down and I DO care what she does with WHO when she thinks that SHE is not GOOD enough for a damn Fidget! Kassie deserves a better story, BLAIR deserves a better story and WE as her fans and as WOMEN deserve a HELL of a lot better! I want her with a man that will treat her WELL and one that CARES about HER...be it Todd or someone else, but not a Fidget that sexually ASSULTS his surrogate sons WIFE and a dude that she thinks that she is UNWORTHY of (eyeroll). NASTY ASSED story! (shudder) -- ~ApothoKeri~, 12:13:54 10/05/02 Sat

>I think I've been burnt one to many times because I
>couldn't care less what Blair does or with whom. And
>if Todd comes back in full blown "goof" mode I'll jump
>off his bandwagon too. To many T&B slings and arrows
>have tainted me and I'm done with the "at what price
>glory?" routine. And no, some of something is
>NOT always better than all of nothing!!....jmo,
>of course

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[> [> Well maybe she merely needs fresh troups. THIS one is worn out, it's been years for me, and this ass is tired of being kicked. Power to ya, Keri. I wish you well, and I hope the fresh troups succeed where us old Blairian warriors couldn't. -- OTWB, 12:18:56 10/05/02 Sat

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[> What new troops? Who would enlist and be subjected to this shit? ............... -- Margi, 15:12:22 10/05/02 Sat

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[> [> errr.........I mean 'fresh troops' -anyway -you KWIM. -- Margi, 15:22:31 10/05/02 Sat

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[> [> [> I can't imagine, Margie. Although Kassie has a lot of fans. I just don't have the energy for it. -- OTWB, 15:29:05 10/05/02 Sat

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[> [> LOL Margi...a few desperate TnT'ers is my guess, (remember the legions of B&Miserable fans that sprung up out of no where and left just as fast when they went kaput?...DUH) but even THEY can't find anything good to say except "Fine by me at least it keeps Blair away from Todd" -- Candy, 17:52:59 10/05/02 Sat

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[> [> [> Sad that folks can only think of Blair in terms of Todd. I can live without T&B, but I can't live WITH crap like B&misery and B&STUBBY. It's gross, bring on a new hunk, write a good story, I'm there. Good grief. It shouldn't be Todd or *someone that makes the bile rise in my throat. -- OTWB, 07:55:59 10/06/02 Sun

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