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Subject: New Player Dane

Dane's Dad
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Date Posted: 01:50:56 04/19/05 Tue

I hear you have a new player at the Swans called Dane Bowden. Could you tell him that I told Richmond to "go pound sand" as they wouldn't agree to a 3 year contract at $300,000 per year, so he's probably better off over there practising brain surgery and getting a kick with the Swans. Tell him also not to worry and forget about that paternity suit, as two other football teams apparently had a relationship with that girl the night before he did. His mother would like to remind him to wear his mouth guard make sure he has clean underwear on. Tell him not worry about his bar bill as we have taken out a second mortage and made a decision not to retire until we're 85 so we can cover it. By the way, his sister should be out of gaol by the time he gets back next year, so it's not worth his while coming back early. That's about it, so I'll apologise in advance for anything he might do or crimes he might commit, but I don't like your chances of us paying any claims for damage he could cause, although I guess there's no harm in you sending me a bill anyway. Good luck with him, you'll need it.

Dane's Dad

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[> Subject: Re: New Player Dane

Danes Mum's friend
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Date Posted: 15:13:39 04/19/05 Tue

Well, I agree only regarding the mouth guard and the clean underwear! He will play a good game of footy, fair and tough, but more importantly Dane will look forward to the celebration or what the heck! drinks and partying after the game. Dane, when you have completed your contract over there...Moorabbin Kangas await your arrival!

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[> [> Subject: Re: New Player Dane

Danes Moum's friend
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Date Posted: 13:55:13 04/20/05 Wed

And remember Mother's Day is not too far of! Clean underwear is also important!

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