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Date Posted: 02:31:22 04/29/02 Mon
Author: Lafaux
Subject: Thanks Patricia! I do want to see that. Sounds interesting!
In reply to: Patricia 's message, "Frontier House starts tomorrow on PBS for three nights. Three families try living in the 1800's on PBS>" on 19:48:47 04/28/02 Sun

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[> Re: Frontier House starts tomorrow on PBS for three nights. Three families try living in the 1800's on PBS> -- Stephanie, 07:22:31 04/30/02 Tue

Did anyone watch Frontier House on PBS last night? I did. I was amazed at the amount of whining they did. The father and son, The Brooks' I believe, were the only ones who seemed to appreciate what was going on and really got into it. The family from California were by far the worst choice of families. But the family from Tennessee had a pretty mouthy Mom. She may have been more prepared to handle this, but she certainly didn't show any type of Christian charity or community to help the other family out. I watched the 1900's house with the family in England last year and they had it tough too, they didn't whine a quarter as much as the California family. I can't wait for the next installments.

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[> [> I watched it! (click) -- Lafaux, 14:23:02 04/30/02 Tue

I was fascinated by the historical facts that were revealed, but I was more fascinated by the human factor. I'm not one a fan of "Reality" tv, but this has me wanting to see more, to find out how these families make it. I like the teenage girls,like their attitude, seeing this as an adventure, and their willingness to make sacrifices. I'm not crazy about their mother though. In a way, I admired the practicality of the woman from Tennessee, but I found that I didn't like her much. When her husband chastized those girls because their cow was on their property, I became infuriated.

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[> [> [> I agree and am so glad I got the heads up here and taped it when they reran it in back to back eps. I agree with you in regard to the mom from TN -Mrs Glenn -she wasn't very endearing but I appreciated that she played by the rules. The kids impressed me the more than most of the adults The teen girls were troupers! Mr Glenn was an ass for treating those girls the way he did when their cow was lost -I was teary eyed when Brooks found the kids and consoled them and got the cow home. That's who I was rooting for -Brooks, his father and fiance, great show and interesting study! Llanviewer N/T -- Llanviewer, 20:52:16 05/06/02 Mon

>I was fascinated by the historical facts that were
>revealed, but I was more fascinated by the human
>factor. I'm not one a fan of "Reality" tv, but this
>has me wanting to see more, to find out how these
>families make it. I like the teenage girls,like their
>attitude, seeing this as an adventure, and their
>willingness to make sacrifices. I'm not crazy about
>their mother though. In a way, I admired the
>practicality of the woman from Tennessee, but I found
>that I didn't like her much. When her husband
>chastized those girls because their cow was on their
>property, I became infuriated.

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[> [> [> [> Why did I love this show when I hate reality tv shows? I guess I didn't see it as so contrived, and I didn't watch it for the purpose of seeing who would fail. I guess I didn't see it as so contrived, and I didn't watch it for the purpose of seeing who would fail. I didn' t like the whining of the Malibu wife the first night, but I think that I saw growth in her character by the third night. I didn't like the Tennessee wife and mother, not in the beginning and not at the end. I love the Brookses! Nate was gorgeous, but I loved his attitude, his respect and love for his father. -- Lafaux, 02:29:45 05/08/02 Wed

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