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Date Posted: 14:04:52 03/13/02 Wed
Author: Chyna
Subject: Wrestlemania, and RAW

"Don't treat me like a women, don't treat me like a man, don't treat me like you know me, treat me for who and what I am!" Fills the arena as The Ninth Wonder of the World Chyna makes her way out ono the tititron with a bazoka which she shoots fire works above the screaming fans!

Chyna sets the bazooka down by her feet, and walks down the ramp to the ring, were she gets a microphone from Lillian Garcea and holds it up to her lips...

Chyna: Every one can see that I do not have the lil women's championship around MY waist! That stupid little Stacy Kieblor beat me when she held me on the mat by my shorts! I mean, I did not even have a chance to kick out, I may be stronger than women, and even most men, but when you got someone sitting on you, holding your shorts, its a little hard to kick out when your tired form kicking butt the rest of the match! So any way, Stacy pinned me, and is going on to Wrestlemania to defend her Championship against Tirsh STartus.

Chyna leans onto the ropes, and smiles...

Chyna: NOw, it has come to my detention, that Vince has rewarded me a match at Wrestlemania were I will be taking on The Intercontenental Champion GoldDust, and chris jerico. You all will see me walk away the new and first ever female, IC Champion. I am going to train like I never have before, I will beat both of them, I will do my best, and who knows? mabye my best will grant me the chance to walk out the winner. Now, I have already started training, and I know that Wrestlemania is not to far away, but I will train to the best of my ability, and I will be the best and strongest I can possibly be, come Wrestlemania.

Chyna: OK, well, I have expressed my feelings and shown what my stratigy will be to help me win at Wrestlemanoa, and I hope GOld Dust, and Jerico have plans to, becaouse I am going to be trying my best to beat the both of them and win the IC Championship!

Chyna sets the microphone down, rlls out of the ring, and walks up the ramp looking confident.

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