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The scene opens up in Chris Jericho's locker room where him and Rob Van Dam look to be discussing strategy for their Tag Team Match on Smackdown. Chris Jericho is wearing a "Would You Please Shut The Hell Up" T-shirt with his black tights with flames on the sides of them. Rob Van Dam is wearing his Ske T-Shirt with his wrestling tights, and His black boots. They are discussing what they will do and how they will do it to Shawn Stasiak, and Goldust. Then all of a sudden Michael Cole walks in wearing a black Slobber Knocker Extreme T-Shirt, with black jeans and black sneakers. He has a microphone in hand and as he walks over to Jericho and Rob Van Dam he gets a weird look from both men...Jericho then turns and gives Michael Cole his complete attention... Chris Jericho: You listen here Mitchell Cole! I never thought I would hear Shawn Stasiak or Goldust and Potential in the same sentence before! Michael Cole: But you hav..... Rob Van Dam: Now about our Tag Match on Smackdown, I am going to break down our Strategy for you! Chris is going to get Goldust almost every chance he gets and I will allow him! Now actually we will beat on Goldust the whole match because Shawn Stasiak will be to busy beating himself up to even think about trying to take someone else! Shawn you have a problem, and no I am not talking about with your brain. I am talking about your coolness! You have none. If you want to be cool you have to just say whatever come sto mind, don't get uptight or upset with yourselve because that is just not cool! Now look at Rvd You can't even look at me because the coolness of RVD would blind you! Let me ask you something Shawn Do you or have you ever seen Me get upset or over react? No and it is because if you are cool, then everything around you will be cool! Now enough of Shawn Stasiak, let's talk about MY match at Wrestlemania! I am fighting William Regal at Wrestlemania for the Hardcore Title! Now to everyone else it is just an old, rusty used up World Wrestling Federastion Belt! But to the Hardcore Wrestlers in the Slobber Knocker Extreme it is greatness, it is pride, it is your Life! And that is what it means to me, it is my Life! So Regal I am to cool to stoop to name calling but You will not take my life away and beat me at Wrestlemania!! Becuase I am Rob Van Dam! Now William Regal on Smackdown you will face Stone Cold Steve Austin and I hope he leaves just a little buit of you left because with that little bit at Wrestlemania you don't stand a chance against me! Like I said Hardcore Title is my life and I will not die at Wrestlemania! I will continue my road to sucess! Becuase as you know I have not won a Championship in Ske yet and At wrestlemania I will shoqw why I have waited for my Title Shot! Now William I bet you thought it was Real Cool what you and your nimrod friend Kurt Angel did to me on Raw! Taking a chair and beating the hell out of my Leg?! well apparently that will be legal in our Hardcore Match and trust me after I hit the Van-Daminator and the Chair bounces off your skull I will go up top to the turnbuckle and not 1 star, not 2, not 3, not 4 But Hit a 5 Star Frog Splash and you will know why everything is Cool when your Rob Van Dam! |