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Subject: The 64th Annual Miss Universe® Canada Pageant

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Date Posted: 09:44:12 03/22/15 Sun

TORONTO, ON (Friday, March 20th 2015) - A Canadian tradition, Miss Universe® Canada is the Canadian representative sent to compete at the annual Miss Universe® pageant. Canada is one of only four countries (along with France, Germany, and the USA) which has competed in each Miss Universe® pageant since its inception in 1952.

The 64th annual Miss Universe® Canada Pageant will be held at the St. Lawrence Centre for the Arts Theatre in Toronto. Over 65 delegates from across Canada will be in Toronto from May 16th to May 23rd and will compete for the title of Miss Universe® Canada 2015 awarded on Saturday, May 23rd 2015.

The reigning Miss Universe® Canada, Chanel Beckenlehner will assist in crowning her successor before a live audience.

With an established reputation, The Metro St. Lawrence Centre for the Arts Theatre has been chosen to be the host venue for the 2015 Miss Universe® Canada pageant for the fifth time.

The pageant consists of two separate audience attended events:

Pageant Presentation Show (Thursday, May 21st, 2015)

All 65+ delegates from across Canada compete before a live audience and a judging panel in the traditional categories (Swimwear and Evening Gown) for the chance to be selected as one of the Judges’ 15 semi-finalists. In addition, 5 segment winners will be joining the group of semi-finalists for a chance to win the title.

Miss Universe® Canada 2014 Pageant Finale Show (Saturday, May 23rd, 2015)

The top 20 semi-finalists from Thursday’s Pageant Presentation Show will compete for the title of Miss Universe® Canada 2015 in front of a judging panel as well as our live audience in the traditional categories (Swimwear and Evening Gown), plus the addition of a live interview/question and answer segment. However, all 65+ delegates will be involved in production numbers throughout the show.

Miss Universe® Canada delegates are selected each year by competing in local and regional casting calls and pageants held in select areas across the country. ‘Beauties of Canada’ has the exclusive rights to send a Canadian representative to the Miss Universe® Pageant.

Please visit www.beautiesofcanada.com for more information.

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It's not a strong group, except for Michelle McKay and Katherine Kohut - both of whom could easily make the semi-finals at Miss Universe. Let's hope MUC gets it right this year. (NT)Buster22:24:25 05/20/15 Wed

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