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Date Posted: 16:14:57 04/03/02 Wed
Author: Starr
Subject: This may also be helpful for Denise and Jennifer


Several Retail Stores Overcharge And Undercharge Consumers
For the second year in a row, the state Division of Standards has taken action against several retail stores issuing fines totaling $5,900 for pricing errors.
Earlier this month, Standards investigators inspected several KB Toys, KMart, Toys R Us, and Wal-Mart stores throughout the state, and found more undercharges than overcharges. Investigators also found that many of the stores did not comply with the state standard of 98 percent accuracy.
Among the worst offenders was KMart. KMart's overall accuracy rate was just over 75 percent. Standards Deputy Director Charles Carroll says, "The results indicate that retailers need to have better resources in ensuring that consumers pay the correct price at the checkout. The survey also serves as a message to consumers to check all prices of items purchased to make sure they are not paying more than the lowest advertised price for that item.
In total, 2,561 items were checked in 26 stores. 58 items were overcharged an average of $4.11 per item. The largest overcharge was found at the KMart in Braintree. The item Comquest rang up at $39.99, $25.13 higher than the advertised price of $14.86. The highest undercharge was at the Toys R Us in North Dartmouth where a Nintendo Pikachu 64 rang up at $99.99, $100 less than the advertised price of $199.99.
KMart was fined $3,800, Wal-Mart $1,200, K-B Toys $400, Toys R Us $300, and Ames $200.
"Toys are very popular items during the holiday season. While many of the stores complied with the 98% accuracy rate, many stores did not. Consumers need to be 'smart' consumers, and look at the prices and ask questions," said Carroll.
The following are tips for consumers when shopping this holiday season:
• Massachusetts law requires that the cash register must have customer readout. Always try to watch the price being rung up for each item purchased.
• If you are buying an item that was in an ad, bring the ad with you.
• Pay close attention to items that may have manufacturer rebates.
• Always check the receipt before you leave the store to make sure the price is right.
• If in doubt about the price charged, ask the clerk to check the price.
• If you fell you've been overcharged, ask the clerk to check the price.
• If you feel you've been overcharged, contact the Office of Consumer Affairs and Business Regulation at 1-888-283-3757.
Throughout the remainder of the holiday season, the Division of Standards will be
inspecting several stores for pricing errors.
Dateline NBC conducted a similar investigation this month and found the same types of problems.
Date of Inspection Store City # Items Scanned Correct Error Percentage
11/26/01 Ames # 0411 Chicopee 100 97 3 97.00%
11/26/01 Ames # 0215 East Longmeadow 100 98 2 98.00%
11/28/01 Ames # 0223 Greenfield 100 97 3 97.00%
11/28/01 Ames # 1155 Lanesboro 100 96 4 96.00%
11/29/01 Ames # 0375 Southampton 100 100 0 100.00%
Totals and Avg. Pct. 500 488 12 97.60%

11/21/01 K B Toys Beverly 100 100 0 100.00%
11/20/01 K B Toys Burlington 100 97 3 97.00%
11/20/01 K B Toys Chelmsford 100 97 3 97.00%
11/26/01 K B Toys Methuen 100 98 2 98.00%
11/21/01 K B Toys Saugus 100 98 2 98.00%
Totals and Avg. Pct. 500 490 10 98.00%

11/29/01 K-Mart #7605 Boston 100 74 26 74.00%
11/30/01 K-Mart #3879 Braintree 100 61 39 61.00%
11/26/01 K-Mart #9424 Brighton 100 80 20 80.00%
11/27/01 K-Mart #3333 Saugus 100 80 20 80.00%
11/28/01 K-Mart #3486 Somerville 100 84 16 84.00%
12/03/01 K-Mart #3138 Milford 60 44 16 73.33%
Totals and Avg. Pct. 560 423 137 75.54%

12/03/01 Toys R Us Dedham 100 92 8 92.00%
11/28/01 Toys R Us Kingston 101 99 2 98.02%
11/29/01 Toys R Us North Attleboro 100 96 4 96.00%
11/27/01 Toys R Us Swansea 100 98 2 98.00%
11/27/01 Toys R Us North Dartmouth 100 95 5 95.00%
Totals and Avg. Pct. 501 480 21 95.81%

11/27/01 Wal-Mart Springfield 100 92 8 92.00%
11/26/01 Wal-Mart Sturbridge 100 96 4 96.00%
11/26/01 Wal-Mart Ware 100 92 8 92.00%
11/29/01 Wal-Mart West Boylston 100 88 12 88.00%
11/27/01 Wal-Mart Westfield 100 97 3 97.00%
Totals and Avg. Pct. 500 465 35 93.00%

Commonwealth of Massachusetts
Office of Consumer Affairs and Business Regulation
10 Park Plaza, Suite 5170
Boston, MA 02116
E-Mail: consumer@state.ma.us
Privacy Policy


Consumer Hotline: 617-973-8787
(toll free, in MA only)

Administrative Issues:
Phone: 617-973-8700

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