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Date Posted: 16:16:46 04/03/02 Wed
Author: Starr
Subject: Just throwing yall some stuff i've found, this may be helpful for Heather

Kmart Introduces E-Commerce Website
Family and Fitness Is First Shopping Site for Retailer
TROY, Mich., Sept. 17, 1998 - Kmart Corporation today announced the launch of a new online shopping Web site called Family and Fitness with Kathy Ireland as its Executive Editor. The Web site can be accessed through www.Kmart.com or directly accessed by typing in www.familyandfitness.com. Family and Fitness is the first in a series of online shopping sites that Kmart will develop as part of a comprehensive e-commerce strategy. Designed jointly by Kmart and New York-based AGENCY.COM, the secure site is powered by IBM's Net.commerce merchant engine.
In expanding Kmart's presence on the Internet, the retailing giant aims to create a virtual city of neighborhoods at kmart.com. Each virtual neighborhood will target a particular customer segment by offering information, interaction and unique products.
"Our goal is to gradually build an online shopping destination that creates a real sense of value and community at kmart.com," says Marisha Geraghty, Kmart divisional vice president of Internet commerce. "We want to create long-lasting interactive relationships with both new and existing Kmart customers by offering a unique combination of product, customized service and convenience."
"With a retailing powerhouse like Kmart rolling out its e-commerce strategy, the Web gains new validity as a retail distribution channel," says Chan Suh, chief executive officer of AGENCY.COM. "Kmart.com will initiate a whole new segment of consumers to the benefits of shopping online."
With "In Shape for Life" as its core message, the Family and Fitness venue was designed for young moms who notoriously have little time to attend to their own health and well-being. As Executive Editor, Kathy Ireland will provide her views on family and fitness through daily greetings, workout routines and chat sessions.
"Families can achieve health and fitness through a variety of enjoyable ways," said Kathy Ireland, fashion designer and spokesperson for many of Kmart's programs. As a certified fitness professional and 1998 chairperson for March of Dimes WalkAmerica for Healthier Babies and the Entertainment Industry Foundation's Ambassador for Women's Health Issues and the National Women's Cancer Research Alliance, Ireland works with unrelenting zeal for health concerns and wellness. "I look forward to providing Kmart customers with tips to help build healthy lifestyles."
With its launch, customers now can purchase a complete assortment of vitamins, herbs and homeopathic products online. In subsequent phases, the site will offer a comprehensive range of health, beauty and fitness products and information.
AGENCY.COM is an interactive communications and business solutions firm based in New York. Founded in January 1995, AGENCY.COM has offices in Avon (Col.), Boston, Chicago, Dallas, London, New York, Paris, Portland (Ore.), San Francisco, Wellesley (Mass.) and Woodbridge (N.J.). AGENCY.COM provides a complete range of strategic, technology and creative interactive services to many of the world's leading corporations.
Kmart launched its site on the World Wide Web in 1995 with a simple home page. Today the site features over 5,000 pages and offers secure online commerce. In addition to FamilyandFitness.com, the site features weekly specials, gift certificates, online coupons, and an "About Kmart" section that includes investor information, company history, pharmacy facts, a tour of a Super Kmart, credit card application, store locator, celebrity information and other corporate related information.

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