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Date Posted: 03:30:37 02/19/05 Sat
Author: Sage
Author Host/IP: cpe-69-202-25-105.nycap.res.rr.com /
Subject: For the Lion

You had one request, Lion. You asked me for a joke on your birthday. You would have been 62 today. I found a joke I think you would have liked. 'Course if YOU told it, you would have turned into a story. Nobody could do that like you could. I miss you.

Ole Doc Falgoust decided he was hungry one day and headed back home to Coteau to look up his cousin Alcee. Falgoust hadn't seen Alcee in a long time and knew that Alcee would have something good to put in his belly.

Falgoust drove into Coteau, past the s-curve on Fremin Road, and found Alcee's place just behind the school. Alcee was bushhoggin' his grass and when he saw someone pull into his yard, he went over.

Alcee got off his tractor and when he saw Falgoust, he got so excited! "Ma coozan!" shouted Alcee. "Mais yeah, dat's me, Falgoust, cher!"

Well they were catching up on old times when Falgoust heard this loud squeel. He put his two hands on his ears and said, "Alcee, what's wrong wit you tractor?" Alcee said the tractor wasn't even turned on.

Just then Falgoust sees this blur running at him, kickin' up dust as it ran and it passed right through his two feet like the Coyote chasing the Road Runner! "What was dat?" asked Falgout.

"Mais, dats my three-legged pig!" Alcee replied.

Falgoust asked, "Why you got a three legged pig, Alcee?"

"Falgoust, mais you don't unda-stand. See dat tractor? One day I was bushhoggin', hit a rut, flipped dat tractor on me. Dat pig came runnin' and squeelin' and dug me out to safety. Dat pig save ma life!"

Falgoust asked again, "Yeah, mais why he only got three legs?"

Alcee says, "See dat house. We was sleepin' one night and da house caught on fire. Dat pig came runnin' and
squeelin', bouncing offa da walls, woke us up and we got out safe. Dat pig saved ma family's life, Falgoust."

"Well dat's amazing, Alcee, really. But you still ain't tole me why dat pig only got three legs."

Alcee looked at Falgoust with a confused face and said, "Falgout, what kind a man are you? Everyone knows dat when you blessed wit a pig like dat, you don't eat him all at once!"

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