Some in Hollywood are so angry with a conservative group for posting pro-Bush billboards in their town that they have vandalized them with graffiti – including a Nazi swastika.
For a long time, Hollywood claimed it was for diversity – but that apparently does not include someone expressing a conservative or Republican viewpoint.
The Hollywood billboards posted by the conservative group Citizens United certainly express a viewpoint.
"W. Still President!" shouts one. Another taunts: "Four More Years!"
Depicted beneath a smiling and triumphant President Bush, in solemn dejected ranks, are Martin Sheen, Chevy Chase, Sean Penn, Whoopi Goldberg, Ben Affleck and Barbra Streisand – the salient of Tinseltown’s infamously backfired effort to keep President George W. Bush from a second term in the White House.
Citizens United sponsored the signs to coincide with the buildup to Oscar night.
That was apparently too much to bear for at least one disgruntled vandal, who painted a Swastika on George Bush’s forehead last week.
In the end, however, you had to get up pretty early in the morning to see the defaced billboard.
David Bossie, the president of Citizens United and the author of the new book "The Many Faces of John Kerry," says he and his organization were expecting such shenanigans – arranging in advance with the sign company that the billboards would be immediately repaired if damaged in any way.
The overnight damage was repaired within hours.
There are presently three billboards with the thank-you message – all in view of the Kodak Theater, where the Oscars are to be held later this month.
The group is scouting for additional locations to place additional billboards.
Bossie says that the billboards are set to be displayed for the entire month of February, which will have them proclaiming their painful-to-some message on the night of the Oscar awards on Sunday, Feb. 27.
Bossie told NewsMax on Tuesday that neither the media nor the Hollywood establishment "has found the humor in it." However, he adds, "I’m waiting to see if Chris Rock [the Academy Awards show’s controversial master of ceremonies] mentions our billboards; then I’ll know we penetrated to the mark."
When NewsMax asked if he or his organization had received any feedback from the stars panned on the billboards, Bossie hesitated, noting only that they had recently "received a note, but we haven’t confirmed if she sent it."
"We're taking on Hollywood. We've done it in the past," says Bossie. "We want to remind the Hollywood elitists that America supports President Bush on the war on terror and that Americans will no longer stand these elitists cramming their liberal agenda down our throats.
"Our Hollywood billboard campaign wants to remind Americans that these Hollywood elitists helped George Bush win by pushing their far left agenda."
That past includes producing "Celsius 41.11," a documentary exposing "the truth behind the lies of Fahrenheit 9/11," the Michael Moore anti-Bush documentary.
Citizens United describes itself as "an organization dedicated to restoring our government to citizens’ control. Through a combination of education, advocacy, and grass roots organization, Citizens United seeks to reassert the traditional American values of limited government, freedom of enterprise, strong families, and national sovereignty and security."
Bossie, former chief investigator for Chairman Dan Burton's Committee on Government Reform and Oversight in the U.S. House of Representatives, which investigated Whitewater and the Clinton scandals of the '90s, explains that one of the organization’s paramount projects is Citizens United for the Bush Agenda.
"It is the project through which Citizens United members work to enact key elements of President Bush's conservative legislative and policy agenda, including across the board tax cuts, complete elimination of the death tax, a strong national defense, deployment of a missile defense system, educational choice, and a reduction in government regulation and red tape."
Meanwhile, despite the recent brush with vandals, Bossie is relishing the upcoming big Oscar night: "The liberal celebrities will roll up in their limos and step out for the cameras and the paparazzi, they’ll turn to wave to their fans – and our billboards will dominate the backdrop!"
Bossie told NewsMax on Tuesday that it is his understanding that some groups sympathetic with his cause will be on hand at the theater to draw attention to the billboards and their message.