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Date Posted: Tue, Jun 29 2021, 9:59:24"
Author: -
Subject: Yes. But keep in mind, our Nationals are closed to international competitors, so this competition (which draws dancers from Australia, New Zealand and Asia) gives us all a chance to compete against each other in a top class facility. The fact that it isn’t a qualifier doesn’t really make a difference given that International entrants wouldn’t be eligible to qualify anyway. Participation rates are usually quite high from within Australia too as dancers make the most of every opportunity with big competitions since we are fairly isolated down here.
In reply to: Curious 's message, "So it’s basically a big feis???" on Tue, Jun 29 2021, 7:42:27"

I guess in some countries being a qualifier is a symbol of status, but we see past that and know that the competition can still be strong without qualifier status. People attend for many reasons. This is one of a few competitions where dancers from all over Australia will attend (Nationals and McAleer are the two others), not to mention OS dancers, so it is a key competition for those at the top, particularly in the lead up to our state and national championships (qualifiers). The competition also offers results for preliminary dancers, so this encourages a larger pool of dancers to attend. There are also Bun, Tus and Priomh Cortas sections too. These sections are generally local dancers or siblings of the championship dancers, but it does provide something for everyone and encourages families to attend. Lastly, the association runs grade exams up to grade 12.
Let’s not forget the fact that it is a great opportunity to make new friends with dancers from different states and countries. And there are theme parks close by!
So no, not a qualifier but still a top notch competition for dancers in the Asia Pacific…except when there is a pandemic.

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