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Subject: Re: Valentine's day

Nancy Streb
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Date Posted: Tuesday, February 14, 05:31:35pm
In reply to: Isabelle 's message, "Re: Valentine's day" on Tuesday, February 14, 03:38:53pm

Happy Valentine Day Holly, Isabelle, Joe and his family and all others who visit this board. I received my DVD from Amazon today but have not watched it yet. What a wonderful Valentine present to me!

Love and hugs, Nancy

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: Valentine's day

Holly H.
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Date Posted: Thursday, February 16, 08:55:25pm

Nancy, mine arrived on the 14th, as well. I watched it that night, & again yesterday. This type of character is one I've never seen Joe play, & I think he did very well. I won't say more, now. Interested to get your reaction once you've seen it.

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[> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Valentine's day

Nancy Streb
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Date Posted: Saturday, February 18, 05:49:21pm

Hi Holly,

Wow! I certainly did not expect that. It caught me completely by surprise. He certainly can't be accused of neglecting his pets needs. As always, Joe did a great job.

Love and hugs,
Nancy in Indiana

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[> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Valentine's day

Holly H. (LOL!!)
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Date Posted: Saturday, February 18, 06:19:51pm

Nancy, you're too funny! Sheriff Jones loves his rare albino Croc, yes, indeed!! I wasn't caught that off-guard. Once I saw the clippings in the file that Zoe Bell found in his desk, I knew. Then I just had fun waiting to see how it all played out. I did notice something: in the flashback of how Jones found the hatchling croc in the sewer tunnel: that didn't look like Joe to me. The walk was wrong; Joe filmed this prior to his knee surgery. I also don't think it was his finger that got bitten, either. I know the look of Joe's hands so well, they couldn't fool me. It's a fun horror film to watch, too. I was glad the "blood & gore" wasn't over done, like so many movies in the last 20+ years have been. I really like having new work from Joe in my arsenal, for when I need a "Joe fix", don't you? Weekends there is no Sully on TV in Houston, so this is now added into my "Joe box", & I'm glad to have it.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Valentine's day

Nancy Streb
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Date Posted: Tuesday, February 21, 05:38:19pm

Hi Holly,
I watched it again last night. I like the way Joe and the boy whistled the same French tune. So, does Joe and his pet stay in that town for a while? How did Joe convince his pet to leave New York and then Atlanta? Where will the two of them go next? Probably best to leave town and go elsewhere since people will be hunting for his pet. I doubt there will be a part two but inquiring minds want to know.

We still get Dr. Quinn on one of our Dish channels so I still get a "Joe fix". Wonder what he is working on next. He said he some news to tell us. Hmmmmmm!

Love and hugs,
Nancy in Indiana

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Valentine's day

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Date Posted: Wednesday, February 22, 01:29:37am

Joe Lando shot a film last October, Sniper 7 Homeland Security, in Colombia, and a music video, last week with Sean Flynn, Jane Seymour's son.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Valentine's day

Nancy Streb
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Date Posted: Wednesday, February 22, 05:34:22pm

Hi Isabelle,

Thank you very much for the information. Any idea when either one will be made available to the public?

Love and hugs,
Nancy in Indiana

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Valentine's day

Holly H.
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Date Posted: Wednesday, February 22, 05:49:22pm

WOW! Isabelle, THANKS! I'll have to keep watching for SNIPER 7 HOMELAND SECURITY, or what ever it's title may be changed to.

I saw the still shots & brief video of Sean Flynn's burlesque-style music video, William Shockley & Tiiu posted them for the Hank's Hussies site. Joe looked slightly uncomfortable, to me. Never know just what he will be doing next, right?!!

Golly, I wish I were on that cruise!

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Valentine's day

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Date Posted: Thursday, February 23, 01:34:18am

What is Hank's hussies and who is Tiiu ?
I saw a video on Sean's Instagram, and yes Joe seems very uncomfortable. Sean said "wait till you see the video. You will know why.". I wonder if this has anything to do with the drag queen?

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Valentine's day

Holly H.
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Date Posted: Thursday, February 23, 12:27:08pm

Isabelle, Hank's Hussies is a Facebook group that I was invited to join 3 years ago. It was begun as an adjunct of the seldom updated DQ,MW webpage, by several ladies who wanted a chat page more specific to the character Hank Lawson, & the actor, William Shockley. Tiiu is William's wife, partner, & a brilliant Photographer. She's also been in some episodes of Dr. Quinn, as one of Hank's "Saloon girls". She's the blonde lady seated near William in the Sean Flynn video you saw yesterday on Instagram. This video is for a music video for Jane's son, Johnny Keach & his band, & is set in a bordello. Johnny Keach & Sean Flynn are half brothers.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Valentine's day

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Date Posted: Thursday, February 23, 04:35:19pm

As someone who can't stand Hank and doesn't see the appeal on William, I have no clue.
Btw, the video clip is for Braves, an australian band

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Valentine's day

Holly H.
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Date Posted: Wednesday, February 22, 05:36:38pm

Nancy, I am also VERY curious as to what Joe will share with those on the cruise!! I love it when he works, & then I get to see his work!

Yes, the tune is Frerra, Jacque. In English, the words are, "Are you sleeping,.... brother John?... Mourning bells are ringing..." Very foreboding song to teach to children in school, which is where I learned it. Foretelling, in this movie!

Sheriff Jones & his pet killed off everyone who knew anything of their dastardly deeds, so no one would have been hunting for them. "I don't like loose ends.", he said. I don't know HOW one would transport a 20 foot croc, either. SURELY it couldn't swim & walk all that distance! This is just funny! Jones was from Atlanta, then moved to N.Y., then back to Atlanta, & finally, to this town. The croc was smaller when he found it, so transporting it would have been easy, then. As it grew, I can see a travel problem, YES!!

What a fun film. I also wonder if they meant it to be a bit silly, or if they were trying to make a serious horror film. Maybe someone will ask Joe, & then share his answer, though Joe's quite the jokester, he may not give a straight answer.

I enjoy our chats, Nancy! Have a great week.

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