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Subject: Re: Joe on MichaelFairmanTV.com

Nancy Streb
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Date Posted: Monday, October 08, 06:11:13pm
In reply to: Isabelle 's message, "Re: Joe on MichaelFairmanTV.com" on Monday, October 08, 10:25:28am

Hi Holly and Isabelle,

I agree. I am only watching because of Joe. The characters are interesting though. Katie is crying pretty much of the time and Brooke looks like she is concerned about moving her face muscles. I remember Cher did that after she had cosmetic surgery. Ridge and Bill have no gray in their hair. Ahhh, guess you have to beautiful as well as bold on the Bold and the Beautiful! I also got the impression that Bill has slept with just about everyone on the show.

Take care,
Nancy in Indiana

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Joe on MichaelFairmanTV.com

Holly H. (Hahahaha!!)
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Date Posted: Saturday, October 13, 11:12:08pm

Nancy, I love it! I also agree, & Joe fits right in, just as he is! Craig McMullen's the best lookin' judge I've ever seen.

Brooke is stirring up a cauldron full, isn't she?! I nearly died when she almost told Bill what Ridge had done! Brooke's been married more than a dozen times, twice to Ridge, once to Bill, once to one of their Dads, even! I've been reading the B&B fan site's character profiles. How does Brooke still have any credibility, with her track record? WOW!

I do enjoy seeing Joe, but I'm looking forward to Joe's next project, so I can stop watching B&B!

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