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Subject: Re: Joe's back on B&B

Nancy Streb
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Date Posted: Saturday, November 17, 06:42:24pm
In reply to: Isabelle 's message, "Re: Joe's back on B&B" on Saturday, November 17, 01:54:38pm

Hi Holly and Isabelle,
I am only watching because of Joe. Soaps do have a big moral issue, I believe. In that interview that Joe gave he said something about their being four or five people in the room including him and that he was the only one that had not slept with Brooke! All the sleeping around, back stabbing and corruption is appalling to my way of thinking. I don't consider myself a prude but I do find it discusting!

Take care and love you all!
Nancy in Indiana

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[> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Joe's back on B&B

Holly H. (Me, too!)
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Date Posted: Tuesday, November 20, 03:07:38pm

I quit watching daytime soaps after Joe finished his summer on Guiding Light, in 1993. They have their good moments, but those are very few, & far between, imho.

Since Pam & Charlie have postponed their wedding plans, I'm just looking at the casting calls for each week, looking for Joe, should he pop back in. I quit recording last Fri. I think Joe was great, & wish he worked more often, as we all do. In his interview, he said he got the job on B&B when he auditioned for another soap, so maybe we'll see that happen, never can tell!

Have a nice week,
Holly H., Houston, TX.

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