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Date Posted: 17:22:09 02/24/03 Mon
Author: Steff and otherz
Subject: New here

They all have taken a plane here, then a bus. They love it in this big city, but it is very large, and very kreepy, how close and just plain big it was.

I was the oldest, and keeping these mites under controll was anything BUT relaxing. Yet i couldnt help but smiling, for they WERE starting to mature....a little. I remembered what happened to their parents, but i kept those horrid memories in my own head. I grinned as i watched them run around and play.

Holy crap! this city was so huge! The buildings went so high up into the sky, and people just brushed past me. I had seen new york on TV, but it was so neat in real life.... I looked around for my sister, and any other kids beside the other boys. I spied Kris [as i liked to call my sis] talking with Avril; they were good friends. The other boys were somewhere around here.....the jerks. probably trying to pick up horse crap and pass them off as Truffels, they were that dumb. or imature as i liked to put it most of the time. Steff looked beat. Atticus was trying to kill a bird....again.
I see Kravis spying on us and i rolled my eyes. The rock i had picked up was tightly gripped in my hands, and chuck it at the pidgon strutting on the ground. Bulls eye! i hit it square on the head. Im about to pick it up when Mark runs by and rips its head off. Poor bird....damn that jerk! he was always be-heading things i shot! Well, there were always more pidgoens, and he had disappeared. I sigh and walk over to Kravis; hey, i had nothing else to do!

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