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Date Posted: 19:53:18 02/28/03 Fri
Author: Brock
Subject: . lookin' for a place to stay .

. the sun rises and sets in the sky above .
. and i sit here, still, without any feeling of love .
. i sit here and watch my life pass me by .
. i think about my life and just wanna die .

.|. frame of mind .|.
Now I need a place to stay. Then I need a job...but that I'll deal with later...

.|. lights, camera, action .|.
.sturdy pillars carry sahib 'cross the sidewalk, mitts stuffed into the pockets of his knee-length, baggy blue shorts. brawny torso was clad in a loose, gray t-shirt. pedates ached, dial ached, everything ached. giving in, virile slumped down on the sidewalk curb. he clouched over, elbows resting 'pon knees. lamps glanced 'round the street. he needed a place to stay.

. tagged . brock cue
. rotations . 24
. branded . sahib
. hidden . a flirt who's smooth with the ladies, yet partly a bad-ass gangster
. obvious . henna tendrils, slight beard, sorrel ooids, brawny physique and tall
. foundation . san fransisco, california
. heritage . let's just say he had a hard childhood

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