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Date Posted: 15:18:49 02/27/03 Thu
Author: Lucas Cabral
Subject: -.Steel of Self Destruction.-
In reply to: Sasha 's message, ".beauty." on 21:01:52 02/26/03 Wed

-.golden flecks grow dark as his brown hues look from Sasha to Desserae, he smiles at them both, especially at the girl beside him, flexing the muscles in his legs, he spreads them out onto the street, his magnificent teeth gleaming (due to a rich mommy and daddy...maids to floss your teeth three times a day, and the best damn dental care on the planet), he tips the coal-colored cowboy hat upon his head to them.-
"Such wonderful women in New York. But..."
-.He looks to Desserae.-
"I think since you already have a roommate...I'll take this other fine woman's offer...I thank you very much though"
-.He looks at Sasha, tilting a brow upwards and checking her out, tight bod clinging to the even tighter black shirt, he pulls a wallet from his tight cowboy-like blue jeans, opening it and counting the bills.-
"What is your name sweetness? And how much do I owe you for the first month's rent?"

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