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Subject: Lots of Answers :)

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Date Posted: 19:48:45 05/15/02 Wed
In reply to: LIsa SMith 's message, "Grand Miss Age Groups" on 12:24:34 05/15/02 Wed

Thanks for asking any questions you have! We are glad to know you all feel comfortable enough to ask! Since Kylie has competed with us, and won numerous titles, you KNOW we do not "rig" our pageants. However, your question does deserve an answer. The reason we changed the supremes was to align it with the other national systems. We realized we misjudged the groupings when we said 0-9. If you have any problems with this please tell us now, as we are open to suggestions until deadline- May 18th. The next question you had was regarding age groups. As I mentioned earlier, if you have a concern please let us know, so changes can be made BEFORE the deadline. Being a mom whose child just moved into the 1-2 division, I PERSONALLY had a problem with this! My daughter competed right after she turned 1 with a child that was turning 3 the following week! I think that is too much of an age difference. Carry and I were confronted by a couple of parents about this and made the decision to change the group to 12-23 and 2-3. If you have a concern about the group, let me know and we can split it- NO PROBLEM! I know Kylie is a new 2 year old, but as you stated, she can hold her own without a doubt!! I have said it several times already, but I am going to say it again- if you have a concern PLEASE let me know so we can make any changes before the early entry deadline. For your next question, the money will be awarded. I understand the pro-rated thing and that would be an option if there were not twenty in each group (0-5, 6 and up), but I do not forsee that being a problem! YEAH!! The reason we upgraded to a mini national is because we plan on having LARGER crowns for our GRAND queens/kings. We also have BIG plans to have a NATIONAL within the year! If there are any other concerns please let me know!
See you soon!

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Re: Lots of Answers :)Lisa Smith10:23:37 05/16/02 Thu

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