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Subject: Re: Lots of Answers :)

Lisa Smith
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Date Posted: 10:23:37 05/16/02 Thu
In reply to: Misty 's message, "Lots of Answers :)" on 19:48:45 05/15/02 Wed

Thanks for the quick reply. I do know that your pageants are not rigged! That is why I wanted to give you an opportunity to respond to all the innuendos and concerns floating about. I think you ladies do a good job and I have no problem personally with the age group change. No matter how you group it somebody will be offended. I realize you can not please everyone. So I am fine with it. I just did not realize the application had been changed until yesterday. I am not the type of person who wants to complain about something without first addressing it and getting to the bottom of it. That is the reason I asked. The same thing on the money issue. If you were putting your daughter in a "local" pageant that cost $150.00 wouldn't you want some assurance of the cash prize being awarded? or as I stated at least some of it. Sure you would. I have heard several of the other moms talking about that and I did not want that to sway them from entering. I knew you had an explanation and wanted to be sure you put it out there for ALL to see. Okay enough on that, So the only difference you are making in the "switch" to nationals is the larger crowns? (I wasn't sure if ya' got my second message about that.) Do we need to be prepared with national level dresses and pro-am attire/routine for sportswear or is it the same as before whatever we are comfortable with? Ofcourse I don't want to show up in every day stuff if the "national" girls will be there. That would be an unfair thing to do to my daughter. Kylie has been in one mini national previously and the attire and atmosphere was definitely on a different note than I was accustomed to. We have learned to adapt though. When in SPAIN speak SPANISH right? Isn't pageantry fun? I just love it myself!

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