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Date Posted: 05/29/04 7:57am
Author: Genesis
Subject: // Only the beginning //
In reply to: Memento 's message, "...i can't remember..." on 05/28/04 8:25am

Boredom had leached into the moon-washed filly's mind. Her mother and Euphoria seemed to have a lot of catching up to do, talking about old times and creatures Gen had never met. The milky white flicka had remained staunchly by her mother's side throughout, more from habit than necessity. Then out of the blue, the thought had come to her: They were no longer in Dark Evergreens. Her very life didn't hinge on her sticking close to her mother. Here in SKB, she could move freely without worrying that her very life was at stake. All these things were tumbling and wheeling through the three year old's mind as she meandered towards the soothing sound of the beach.

Genesis expected to be alone. In her entire existence, there wasn't one creature with the exception of her mother and Euphoria who had dared to speak to her. Evil foals wanted nothing to do with her, Light foals wouldn't speak to her. Was it her personality? Was she unconciously repelling those who cared to be her friend? Or was it because of her family? Gen knew all too well the notoriety of her family. Her absentee father had been the King of the Lights for many years. Her grandparents had led before him. Her mother had led, and then become backup to the very terra she was standing in now. Her brother had taken their father's place as King and her older sister was his backup. An irritated sigh escaped from pink lips. Her family was a difficult bunch to deal with, not because of their personalities, but because of the aura of intrigue and mystery that hung like thunder clouds over them.

So engrossed in her thoughts, Gen barely had time to sidestep before she barrelled into a colt. A colt? Since when were there colts running around SKB? He must be new. Gen backed up a few paces and locked her courtesy smile into place. She had seen her mother do this numerous times and knew the drill by heart. Her high-pitched soprano lilted forth, delivering her shortened message to the young bay.

"Hello," she chirped. "I'm Genesis."

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