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Date Posted: 06/ 5/04 1:00pm
Author: Tori
Subject: [ . Infamous . ]
In reply to: Firelight 's message, "//thanks offered\\" on 06/ 5/04 10:49am

The gentle rocking motion caused by her limbs in action lulled the golden mare. Her mind remained clear throughout Firelight's speech, sorting through the facts and emotions presented by the dark chestnut. No vocalizations were made, no interruptions or question until the mare was finished. Only then did Tori tilt her sharply carved head to look over at her.

Now came the hard part; offering advice and consolation. In this case, it was fairly easy. Well, easy to say but more difficult to carry out. "Follow your heart, Firelight." she stated simply. Figuring she owed some explanation behind the cliched phrase, Tori continued.

"You have a mountain of responsibility on your shoulders. As Queen, you have to always look out for your subjects' best interests. You have to play the diplomat, be the peacekeeper in your own lands, and think ahead to the future. It is very difficult to manage your professional life and your personal life."

Pausing, Tori took a deep breath. She knew from experience that high-stress relationships could work. When Shazaam had been Light King, Tori had been at his side as much as she could. She bore his children, raised them as best she could, and remained loyal to a fault. Even her son Hex was proof that relationships could work. As the current King, Hex was thoroughly enraptured with his mate, Takara. Although business took him away for days or weeks at a stretch, the love between the two was still as strong as always. Now how could she put all that into words?

"It can be done, Firelight. It can be difficult, but it is possible. You have to find the one that completes you, who challenges your mind and keeps you young at heart. Someone who will support you during professional times of crisis and who will remain loyal. If you don't think dark.shadow fits the bill, you have to cast him off. You are young, Firelight, you have many years ahead of you. Choose who you think can be there for you, personally and professionally."

Her advice dispensed, the palomino waited for questions she was sure the chestnut would have. She merely nodded at Firelight's promise, knowing deep down that both she and Genesis could be valuable tools against her son. All's fair in love and war, right? Tori would keep the promise in mind, but wouldn't let it hurt her if it was broken. She was too old and too jaded to believe in absolute protection from everything.

"Do what you have to do." she remarked softly, light eyes clouding. "It is the only life you are given and the years are much too short. Do not waste your precious time on one who cannot give you what you desire."

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