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Date Posted: 06/ 5/04 10:49am
Author: Firelight
Subject: //thanks offered\\
In reply to: Tori 's message, "[ . Infamous . ]" on 06/ 5/04 10:22am

She picked up the easy movement after the damsel. Relief evident within her dark chasms as she met Tori's orbs of light. "It's a long story Tori. But.. my mate dark.shadow was gone for a long time. And I guess.. I missed him even though we'd only been together for a little while. Well, then I decided Evergreens needed more members so I went to the acceptance grounds and there was this stallion. Het Vuur."

She paused her thoughts turning over to the large ink stained stallion. The steed and the emotions that he caused within her wild veins. "He was egotistical and was a stud who seemed to think mares playthings. But he followed me to the 'Greens after awhile and we had another face off. You do know how I love verbal battles." She paused to smile a bit remembering past meetings with the golden mage. Tori was a great fighter, even if she was a Light. "Well basically he.. I don't know I was attracted to him, a lot. And when this other stallion came after me when I was tired and well in no mood to deal with another one. Het came out and I could tell he was mad I was being harassed. Then suddenly dark.shadow showed up and.. and I didn't know what to do. I have no time for a personal life trying to run the Evils as well."

Crania dropped again as she moved in an easy gait. She was five years old with no family and now unsure she had even a mate. Horrible to have a breakdown now in the beginning of her reign as Queen. Maybe like Jaws said she couldn't take care of the Dark horses. Stride matched the others as she drew even with her beat. "Tori, the only thing I can promise for this.. you nor your daughter or her daughters shall ever be held captive in the Evils territory. Not while I remain Queen or with any power. There is not much more I can offer with the position I am in, and hopefully will keep. I won't forget this." She wasn't sure how the Evil equine would react if they knew their Queen was wandering the shores of a Light territory talking with the mother of the King they fought against, or most likely would be. But Firelight would ensure Tori nor her filly would be harmed by Evil horses. The Light mares kindness was too grand to be overlooked. “I just.. don’t know what to do and I needed to get away. Shadow is my mate but he was gone so long, Het Vuur’s so.. he makes me feel.. ” The dark chesnut sighed softly, she couldn’t explain it any better than that.

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