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Date Posted: 06/ 8/04 9:54am
Author: Devlyn
Subject: - Dum Spiro, Spero -
In reply to: Mystical Dream 's message, ".just a dream." on 06/ 7/04 10:36pm

He chuckled softly to himself as he doubled back towards the sea. So, she did that move too. He lengthened his strides, wanting to get to the ocean more quickly. The sand dunes slowed him down a bit, since he had no idea how to navigate them going his speed. Frustrated at the slight hinderence he spotted the flatter sand and gave a hail mary kinda leap. Once on better footing, he resumed charging after her, since he had lost all that time. Beside him, the ocean crashed down on the sand, sending a fine mist of spray across him, and every breath he took held the sweet, tangy smell of salt. The brute smiled as Dream began getting bigger in his line of sight, signaling his catching up again. He switched from running on the sand, to running in the surf, splashing everything in his path, including--he hoped--the dove as he began nearing her.

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