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Subject: ::Truth And Lies::

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Date Posted: 11:57:38 08/07/06 Mon
In reply to: Twins 's message, "Trust None But the Air" on 09:05:33 08/07/06 Mon

Sins gives a nod of her dial, auds swivelling to catch the muted sounds of hte castle surrounding them. SHe turns her attention to Gaia, auds perking forth as hte other fae speaks. She listens intently, her gaze sliding out the window, searching out the gardens. It took her amoment, but she spotted hten, and gave a low whine. One last glance is given to Gaia, and a nod was given. He'll not catch me even if i do set foot on the ground. She vowed softly, her voice going surprisingly dark and sinister sounding. Wings unfurling from her sides, Sins give a hop, and lands with all four feet on the window sill. It was a tigh fit, and she had to fold her wings to make room for her hwhole body, but she managed it. A snarl bleeds into a howl, muzzel tilted skyward as she sings her sad song to the moon. Upon the last note, the tawney fae dropps from the window'd ledge, and plummets toward the ground, her wings folded neatly at her sides. A few feet above hte ground, her wings spread, and catch the air current, lifting her away from what could have been a very sad ending to this short tale.

A shadow moves in the woods, and amoment later the moon rays illuminate Poisen Dart, Sin's brother. He watches his sister's reckless flight, and sighs. She was up to something, he had no doubt. His own wings remained tight against his sides as he started through the woods, following his sister's path at a breakneck speed. With one on the ground, and one in teh air, they were sure to find this unknown Miricle.

((Do actually know what happened? Or did miricle's player just become inactive??))

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OOCNeca12:01:08 08/07/06 Mon

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