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Date Posted: 20:54:55 03/23/02 Sat
Author: KANE
Subject: Raven

The arena goes pitch black, then it starts flashing red and flames start shooting up every where as KANE walks down the ramp towards the ring and slides in under the ropes and then picks up mic. and says.........

Raven you stupid son of a bitch!... It seems like you want me to walk all over you and treat you like dirt. If that's what you want, then that's what you'll get at our match: RaVeN vs. "KANE the ultimate wrestler". And i'll trash your body more worse than your dad ever has and ever will. What the hell, I might as well spit on you, pick you up by your hair, crumple you like a paper ball and throw you in the trash can. then i'll finnish you off by throwing you in hell. So be ready for a true ass beating. So BEWARE THE KANE!

KANES music plays as gets out of the ring and walks up the ramp into the back stage with millions and millions of fans chanting "KANE" "KANE" "KANE" "KANE" as HcW goes to a comercial break.

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