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Date Posted: 17:14:01 03/24/02 Sun
Author: Raven
Subject: Raven's Rules Chapter 11. "Kane, the life you chose..."
In reply to: KANE 's message, "Raven" on 20:54:55 03/23/02 Sat

Raven's Ravens Chapter 11. "Kane, the life you chose..."

.:{Scene}:. The lights in the arena flickers as Raven's music "End To Everything" by Stereomud blares loudly throughout the arena as the enigmatic Raven comes out from the curtains and stands in the middle of the stage and execute the crucifix. The crowds begin to do the "Raven sucks" chant as he gives a smirk and raises the microphone up close to his mouth.

.:{Raven}:. Kane, I am your fear! I am your pain! I am the one who is rotting away society like candy on a tooth! I walk through dark days and dark nights searching for light in the darkness of being! You don't think I've been to hell before?! You don't think wrestlers had walked over me before?! Huh?! You see Kane, it's no secret that you and I are both freaks! But it's also no secret that I am better than you are! I am smarter than you are! That I am better looking than you are! And how dare you to come out here call me a son of a bitch! The bitch was your mother who abandoned you and left you wearing that mask of hatred for the rest of your pathetic life! The bitch was your mother who left you unable to function in society! The bitch was your mother who made you who you are today! You were burned, not because Taker burned you, it was because you were a worthless son! So don't blame me, blame yourself! It's your fault! It's your fault! You see you can taunt me all you like, you can blame me all you want cause when it's time to deal the card you will get an excruciating reminder that I will make you bleed, I will made you suffer! This is the Hardcore Championship Wrestling! I thrive on being hardcore! And I made people realize why it's not about winning, no, no, you see it's about whether you can breathe another day, walk another day, but most important if you can live another day!

.:{Scene}:. The crowds starts to boo loudly at Raven as he raises the microphone up close to his mouth once more.

.:{Raven}:. Your fate is a curious beast, no matter how fast you run, no matter how far you go, you can't escape it. This is the way it is, this is the way it could only be! One must experience true pain before they can embrace eternal pleasure and that's what you're gonna get that on Monday night! It will be the end for you and the beginning for me for I shall reign supreme in the Hardcore Championship wrestling because I am a man and a half! Kane, we are both the children of the darkness, we are both the dregs of society! But I chose to express my pain, I chose to accept that only friend I have is solitude! But you, you want to be a big shot! You want to hide you feelings! You want to be different! Well you are different and the life you chose will rip you apart! And come Monday night know that you're gonna feel the pain and suffering of a childhood lost, an empty swing, an empty promise, a broken dream, a broken home. It's strange how laughter looks like crying with no sound and raindrops taste like tears without the pain. You'll relive the turmoil and the anguish of an uncertain youth. My youth! My life! So it is written, so it shall come to pass! Quote the Raven, nevermore.

.:{Scene}:. Raven's music hits as he drops the microphone on stage and heads back to his locker room. Seconds later the Hardcore Championship Wrestling goes to a commercial break.

Quote the Raven, nevermore

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