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Subject: Re: *Summons*

Kayun & Boyaknu
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Date Posted: 15:32:49 02/19/03 Wed
In reply to: Harmony 's message, "Re: *Summons*" on 09:50:41 02/19/03 Wed

~*~*the Diamond Dust froze an entire section of the wall, causing it to shatter away- leaving a dry area about 20 feet across from top to bottom. having no solid circle, the walls colapsed. the sheer force of the water coming down would have crushed anything below it, Harmony included, had a protective bubble not formed aaround her. as for her summons, Shiva was taken down by the colapse, and out for the fight. the Thor's Hammer was already in effect by the time the water got to Ixion, thus a powerful wave of electrical energy was absorbed into the water. most of it evaporated before reaching Ixion, thrown back by charged particles in the air. the room finally cleared of water, leaving only Kayun standing in the center. her eys were half closed, and she was having trouble staying on her feet. a few strands of water gathered from cracks in the floor, and formed Boyaknu behind her. the creature seemed to be near death- its wings were hanging at its sides, and its head was low. after a moment, it ended up vanishing like Shiva had. therem was a dim flash, and the chaple restored its self. the windows were pictures of different powerful summons- Boyaknu appeared in one, but not as the focus. there was also a larger red version of her there- most likely a second half. the rows of pews were restored, the paint looked as if it were fresh, and the circles on the tile vanished. Kayun herself changed as well- her outfit was the same, but her eyes turned green, her hair light brown, and her skin a deep tan. she dropped her staff, and finally colapsesd. there was a physical 'lift' in the room, and it was not nearly as dark feeling in here any more. Kayun looked up, a tear in her eye. she slid her staff over to her side, and brought one hand up to cover her eyes. she had very little to say after the fight. she was, very obviously, crying.*~*~

...im sorry.... im sorry for all of it..... i never meant any of this to happen when i took it.... im sorry..... please forgive me.....

~*~*you let her cry in silence for a few moments before she finally looked up. she looked around, and after another moment, pulled herself up. her eyes scanned the church, and she finally realized where she was. she looked down again, then turned to Harmony, whom she had not expected to see.*~*~

...how long..... how long have i been here?

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Re: *Summons*Harmony13:47:45 02/21/03 Fri

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