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Subject: Re: Pedro's New Friend

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Date Posted: 15:29:17 01/04/03 Sat
In reply to: Wanda 's message, "Pedro's New Friend" on 08:42:08 11/30/02 Sat

I read this to my children and they were spellbound from beginning to end! Hope to read more from you.


>Pedro’s Friend
>Sian the Siamese cat
>Was curled upon his bed
>His eyes were tightly closed
>His claws were a source of dread
>From a peep-hole in the floor
>Peered two shiny black eyes
>Looking this way, and then that
>Assessing the cat’s speed and size
>Sian was to patrol the home
>Rid the place of all the mice
>He was big, and he was mean
>In Sian, there was nothing nice
>He had destroyed most of the mice
>With his speed, teeth, and claws
>He could run like lightening
>And devour a mouse with his jaws
>Pedro watched Sian for a time
>Then slipped out of the tiny hole
>He sped across the wooden floor
>As the cat on his side did roll
>Sian slowly stretched and yawned
>Not sensing the little mouse
>Pedro ran for the kitty door
>And beat it out of the house
>He would find another home
>Without that dreaded cat
>Too long he had lived in fear
>And he longed to be free of that
>Out into the sunshine he went
>Looking this way and that
>He spied an old horse standing
>Who was wearing a silly hat
>He called out to the horse
>And this is what he said
>“Mr. Horse could you help me
>to find breakfast and a bed”
>The horse said, “Neigh, my friend
>‘Tis here I must wait and stand
>If you should wait with me
>I’ll take you home in style grand”
>Pedro asked, “Is there a cat
>In the place you call home;
>Will there be limited freedom
>Or plenty of room to roam”
>“Oh, we have lots of room”
>the horse neighed and said
>“There are no cats at home,
>But plenty of rats instead”
>Rats frighten me very much
>For I am just a little mouse
>Don’t worry little friend
>I’ll get you inside the house
>Soon it was time for the horse
>To leave and go upon his way
>Pedro had crawled up his leg
>And under the hat he did stay
>It was a long bumpy ride
>As the horse clip-clopped along
>Pedro held on to his ears
>The horse sang an off-key song
>The horse stopped, and then said
>Pedro, my friend we are home
>It’s time for you to come out now
>I want you to meet Jerome
>Pedro peered out from the hat
>And looked at the barn all around
>He ran across the horse’s back
>And hopped down to the ground
>Standing at the horse’s feet
>Stood a rolly-polly mouse
>“Pedro, this is my friend, Jerome
>He’ll get you into the house”
>Jerome took Pedro to his room
>Behind the kitchen door
>He showed him a matchbox bed
>What mouse could ask for more
>What was that wonderful smell
>That was tickling Pedro’s nose
>Pedro was so very hungry
>Could that be cinnamon bows
>Jerome smiled and then he said
>Pedro, just be patient now
>We’ll have one soon to eat
>I’ll find a way somehow
>Soon Jerome left the room
>And whispered, “Be very still”
>Soon Jerome was returning
>With a bow their tummies to fill
>Ahh, what luxury he’d found
>And what a wonderful friend
>He smiled with satisfaction
>Things did work out in the end
>Written by, Wanda L. Reu

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